- Location
- Boothby Graffoe
Chaired by Jonathan Scurlock, NFU
This session explores what steps are needed to achieve net zero carbon emissions on arable farms and how to tackle the climate change impacts already being felt on farms.
• John Tucker, Woodland Trust explores tree tactics and how planting trees can help tackle climate change, increase soil health, reduce inputs and mitigate flooding.
• Hugh Taylor, CEO Roadnight Taylor talks about harnessing flexible small-scale generation of renewable energies to generate power where it is needed most and create a low carbon future
• Prof Jenni Dungait, Soil Health Expert provides advice on restoring soil structure, health and fertility to mitigate the impacts of climate change on soils
• Prof Dick Godwin, Harper Adams University provides advice on smart drainage solutions to tackle increasing rainfall intensity and seasonal variations which are creating floods on UK farmland
• Steve Penfield, John Innes Centre looks at how can farmers adapt cropping, variety choice and management to mitigate the effects of changing temperatures and rainfall events
Jonathan Scurlock, Chief Policy Adviser, Renewable Energy and Climate Change - National Farmers’ Union
Hugh Taylor, CEO - Roadnight Taylor Ltd
Dick Godwin, Visiting Professor - Harper Adams University
Steven Penfield, Professor of Crop Genetics - John Innes Centre
John Tucker, Director, Woodland Creation - Woodland Trust
Jenni Dungait FISoilSci FRSB, Independent Soil Science Consultant - Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Soil Science
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