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Ryegrass may take over from blackgrass as Britain’s toughest grassweed to control. CPM gathers worldwide experience. Herbicide-resistant ryegrass is much more challenging than blackgrass. By Tom Allen-Stevens If you’ve drilled up your wheat, and especially those fields with known or suspected grassweed issues, have you also done at least one of the following (and preferably all)? Delayed drilling until mid October Prevented any grassweed seed from shedding into the previous crop Ploughed down any shed seed (preferably having not ploughed for several years previously) Sown a competitive crop, at a high seed rate or in narrow rows If the answer’s no, skip this article, and probably the next one, too – the only option left to control your weeds is an in-crop herbicide, and if that’s the only option you’re employing, you’re probably wasting your money and driving resistance. “We really need to learn the lessons from blackgrass,” urges NIAB’s John Cussans. “If we over-rely on herbicides, we’re going to see new resistance problems.” John was speaking at a recent webinar highlighting the rise in resistant ryegrass and other grassweeds. “I want to put the fear of God into growers about Italian ryegrass (IRG),” he says. “Herbicide-resistant ryegrass is…
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