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what grinds your gears

Me? Pretty easy-going., me - there's isn't much that upsets me, 'cept my dysfunctional, thieving, lying, bullying, devious, ignorant, stupid, ungrateful, mendacious, mischievous, dishonest, perjuring, scheming, rotten, unfair, grabbing, short-sighted, jealous, envious, mean, greedy, tight-fisted, rapacious, selfish, avaricious, unfeeling, foolish, dull, parsimonious, contempible and morally-bankrupt family.

What happened to the old Welsh Saying "Mae gwaed yn dewach na dwr."

For the benefit of our Monoglot English Speaking Forum Members, "Blood is thicker than water".
Pupils would receive a verbal warning on their first breach. For a second offence, a pupil would be banned from extracurricular activities for up to a week and his or her parents would be called in for a meeting.
A third strike, and pupils would be suspended from classes for three days and be banned from extracurricular activities for up to a month.

Big Brother Rules.:)

If they can enforce it, it would play havoc with their Sex Life.:confused: ;)
So should you

I was banned from BFF, without explanation. The message I received read "You are banned. When can you re-join Never."

Out of Curiosity I did try and re-join as Ianto. I was not accepted, and did not have the courtesy of a reply.

The old adage says "Once bitten, twice shy."

In my case it is "Once banned, twice shy."

On principal I refuse to read BFF Threads, as I do not wish to become yet another statistic in their number of Hits.
In no particular order:

Smoking. Guilty.
Exessive alcohol consumption. At times Guilty.
drug addiction. Not Guilty
all tattoos. Not Guilty
all body piercing, except ladies' ear lobes. Not Guilty
litter, particularly that which is thrown out of vehicles in the countryside. Agree.
rudeness, anger and dissent. Agree with rudeness and anger, but dissent is the making of a Democracy. If you expect everyone to agree with your views, you are advocating a One Party State or a Dictatorship.
Inappropriate foul language. Interesting what is appropriate to one in a particular context, may be perfectably acceptable to others. May be a spin off of your views on dissent.
Girls using the F word. While I agree I do not like to hear women swearing, I cannot find any Justification for any word in the English Language having a Male Prerogative.
drivers who don't use their indicators. Agree.
Imigrants who come to this country and take up a life of crime. Agree.

The extreemly poor standard of spoken english, particularly amongst the young. People who are too lazy to make the "th" sound. They replace it with f and v, as in "froat" and "wiv". They drop the letters t & h and have no idea about tence and the singular and plural. as in "we was" and "I were". The words stood and sat are totally misused these days, even by tv presenters, as in "I was sat" or "I am stood". People, particularly the young, who can't use more than 3 words without inserting "like". The trouble with these stupid people is that they don't listen to those people who do speak properly.

Language Evolves, and has done through the Centuries. I doubt if you could read an English Document from say 1300, let alone converse with people living at that point in time, if you could be transported back.

Wills from the 15, 16 and 17th Centuries as well as other written documents, contain abbreviations used by Scribes Legal or otherwise.

Instead of The or possibly You, if we are to believe the written evidence, the used Ye. In my opinion it was Shorthand, and it was spoken as The.

I once asked a teacher why they don't correct their pupils, and he said that they were told not to correct accents. He didn't know the difference between an accent and incorrect grammar. Perhaps he thought that it doesn't matter. I say that it is not good enough.

Variety is the spice of live, and by accent, I suspect you mean dialect. If we all intoned every word in an uniform fashion, in my opinion, the UK would be a lot poorer.

As I am typing this rant, I have just heard on the radio that the friends of the 14 year old girl who was killed by 5 dogs in Wigan yesterday, intend to release chinese lanterns today in her honour. How stupid are they?

At least I agree with your point about Chinese Lanterns.


In no particular order:

Exessive alcohol consumption
drug addiction
all tattoos
all body piercing, except ladies' ear lobes
litter, particularly that which is thrown out of vehicles in the countryside
rudeness, anger and dissent
Inappropriate foul language
Girls using the F word
drivers who don't use their indicators.
Imigrants who come to this country and take up a life of crime.

The extreemly poor standard of spoken english, particularly amongst the young. People who are too lazy to make the "th" sound. They replace it with f and v, as in "froat" and "wiv". They drop the letters t & h and have no idea about tence and the singular and plural. as in "we was" and "I were". The words stood and sat are totally misused these days, even by tv presenters, as in "I was sat" or "I am stood". People, particularly the young, who can't use more than 3 words without inserting "like". The trouble with these stupid people is that they don't listen to those people who do speak properly. I once asked a teacher why they don't correct their pupils, and he said that they were told not to correct accents. He didn't know the difference between an accent and incorrect
grammar. Perhaps he thought that it doesn't matter. I say that it is not good enough.

As I am typing this rant, I have just heard on the radio that the friends of the 14 year old girl who was killed by 5 dogs in Wigan yesterday, intend to release chinese lanterns today in her honour. How stupid are they?

Girls using the F word

I agreed with your post but it was ruined by this comment. So it's OK for boys to use it but not girls...? Ridiculous.

While we're on the subject, indiscriminate use, nearly always by blokes, of the 'C' word... What's that all about? I for one find it pretty offensive...


Hauliers who beg me to load milling wheat this morning at 7, and phone at 8 am to say they are not coming! Hare coursing scum, and the low-life that cuts the gas tube and pinches the bottle off one of my bangers! That's todays events ranted about, but its still early!!!
Girls using the F word. I agreed with your post but it was ruined by this comment. So it's OK for boys to use it but not girls...? Ridiculous.

Whatever happened to sex equality?:)

While we're on the subject, indiscriminate use, nearly always by blokes, of the 'C' word... What's that all about? I for one find it pretty offensive...

You need to be more specific, about what exactly you mean by the "C" word. If it stands for Cock, then that is a male prerogative, unless you are addicted to an artificial strap on. Only the Males of any species, have one, and if you have it flaunt it.

If internet posts are anything to go by, most Males have an inferiority complex, about size etc.

They are probably watching too many Porn Movies with participants with Donkey Dicks.

In the 1960's I had a holiday job, at an Engineering Factory in the Isle of Man.

One of the Employees was known as Donkey Dick. When I asked why, I was told to follow him when he went to the toilet for a pee.

Never seen anything like it before or since, his tool hung down to his knee.

He saw me looking, and said that it was a curse not a blessing, as he had to use a "governor" to stop him harming his wife.

Personally I am thankful for "small" mercies. My wife does not complain, and we managed at the extreme end of the spectrum, to produce a perfectly formed, and highly intelligent daughter.


No, quite obviously to most on here would be the word that ends with 't' and has the letters 'u' and 'n' in it.....as I am sure you knew.

I admit I have made a comment which uses the word myself, in respect to Countryfile, which does possess one too many letters.... But there acceptable exceptions to every rule!

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

  • havn't been invited to apply

    Votes: 29 35.4%
  • have been invited to apply

    Votes: 16 19.5%
  • applied but not yet accepted

    Votes: 29 35.4%
  • agreement up and running

    Votes: 8 9.8%

Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

  • 2,498
  • 50
On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...