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Who else is sick of the climate change lies?


Livestock Farmer
Just thought i'd see if anybody else was as sick of the endless stream of lies that emanate out of the idiot box as i am. Climate change is a natural phenomenon, its been happening for hundreds of thousands of years. Humans are not causing climate change. The globalists want a carbon credit, green passport system, tied to you vax status of course, so that they can wield unprecedented levels of control over us. Covid and climate change are the biggest lies that have ever been fed to the apathetic, docile public. I don't know about anybody else here, but if the government come a-callin, wantin to know how much carbon my farm emitts, i'm now of a mind to tell them where to go. This all ends when we make it end. Covid and climate change disappear when we decide, the power is in our hands and we repeatedly hand it over to this theoretical government who have never helped us once in our lives. Its all about control, and the quicker everybody realises that and wakes up the better. Anybody who can watch the hypocracy of the whole pantomime and not see through it is a lost cause at this point. Go and read the scottish government 'road map' to net zero, it says a lot about reforestation and peatland restoration, and reducing consumption of beef and lamb. Coupled with recent reports on bbc scotland about insect protien being consumed in the future, i'd say our industry is at threat here. Anything to do with climate change, along with covid, are just a means to implement new measures of control on all aspects of our lives. I will not take part in this stupid game. Can anybody empathise with me here?

Kiwi Pete

Livestock Farmer
Yes... and no

I get tired of the way the conversations go, because it's proof that the strategy is winning.

But then you get some gems coming out of that also as people are getting fed up of misinformation and being pitted against each other and really waking up, "for every action and equal and opposite reaction" .

I think it takes tough times to really bring things to notice, for these games to become apparent, so it may be a good thing for us all

melted welly

Arable Farmer
I agree the planet weather has changed since day dot. And the hysteria around "modelling" is tiresome. BUT , if I had a choice to have the pure clean air that I do enjoy, OR a toxic smog soup like that of some Chinese cities, I know which I would pick. So in all, if it gets people to clean their shìţ up can it be a bad thing??

UK government(s) been trying for years to get public to carry ID cards. Vaccine passports are going to provide the “in” for this. Once we’ve got it, it won’t go away.

melted welly

Arable Farmer
Agreed. What a complete waste of time it would be if we created stronger communities, rewarding jobs and healthier people, and it all turned out to have no effect on the climate.
That’s not what’s happening just now though.

It feels more like divide and conquer. Be that the constant trawling of race issues, omnivore vs vegan, vaccinated vs unvaccinated, climate change disciples vs people who have questions - now labelled as “deniers”. Old vs young - “how dare you!”, attempts at rewriting/erasing history etc etc..

Boris (and up here our poisoned dwarf) are presiding over an incredibly divisive and toxic period of UK politics, that will take a very long time to repair.

The focus should be on our self-centred, lazy, greedy and unsustainable way of life. Environmental benefits would be a natural side effect of tackling this. Won’t happen though, easier to point and shout.

cows sh#t me to tears

Livestock Farmer
UK government(s) been trying for years to get public to carry ID cards. Vaccine passports are going to provide the “in” for this. Once we’ve got it, it won’t go away.
Same here. One party lost a federal election over the "Australia card". Even though your Medicare card and drivers license are technically no better. It was the "fear" of big brother.....
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So all the climate scientists armed with all the available data using the latest most powerful computers are trying to tell me what the weather is going to be like in ten years time, twenty years time and indeed 100 years time. Given this same data and same computers can they let me know what the weather is going to be like next twelve months or indeed tomorrow with any accuracy? I am inclined to think they don't really know. As a matter of fact it's all doubt.


I couldn’t care less about climate change as there’s literally nothing I can do to improve the situation if indeed there is a situation to improve. Theres nothing anyone in the UK can do as we’re less than 2% of global emissions.

Any notion that we have to “set the agenda” for others to follow is simultaneously arrogant and naïve. China and India basically stymying the stated objectives of COP26 prove this.

It’s a sad state of affairs when you have to rely on the CCP to inject some common sense into Western-led indulgences.


Yes as peed off OP hearing this ballcox everyday in out with no counter arguement allowed to be heard on mainstream tv/radio, about time someone was put forward to stop this nonsense and I bet they would get a lot of backing , as above it does'nt matter how much they tax us they won't change the weather.....
They Can't tell us what it's going to do at the end if week !
And theses lot will all be off on their gold platers when their predicted time comes to fruition and another 'trendy merigoround will be invented .


Livestock Farmer
I'm not with you at all.

I am absolutely scathing about cop26 and it's disciples and achievements, I would happily run down M25 protestors, and don't believe a word coming out of Westminster.
I agree the Met Office couldn't find their backsides with both hands.

But..... CO2 and it's effects were being predicted from when I was a nipper, and the graphs show exactly what was predicted.
The obvious drastic changing eco-systems, even on my own landscape - where almost nothing has changed in management terms- are clear enough for me.
The heatwave in BC last June was the last bit of doubt gone. FFS.... 49.6C in a temperate zone......go and ask the people there.

Not liking the message, and despising the messenger doesn't change the message.

and if poor @delilah thinks the solutions will be friendly loving communes....dang! There's a shock coming.


Livestock Farmer
South Devon
So all the climate scientists armed with all the available data using the latest most powerful computers are trying to tell me what the weather is going to be like in ten years time, twenty years time and indeed 100 years time. Given this same data and same computers can they let me know what the weather is going to be like next twelve months or indeed tomorrow with any accuracy? I am inclined to think they don't really know. As a matter of fact it's all doubt.

Most climate models are running far to hot and can't recreate the past let alone the future.

The models that are closest to observed temperatures have low sensitivity to CO2.

The models that are the most sensitive to CO2 ,such as RCP8.5 are way out - guess which models the IPCC use ?

Were there any climate scientists at COP26 ? or was it just politicians and celebrities ?


Livestock Farmer
wtf are you on about :scratchhead: :ROFLMAO: .
'created stronger communities, rewarding jobs and healthier people'

I believe you are in the camp that thinks being nice to each other will solve our (climate) problems.
And to be clear, I've no problem being nice to each other, but am pretty clear that dealing with what is coming will not involve much hand holding.
Indeed, I suspect force majeure will eventually drive us to quite the opposite.

I'm out of this discussion, I wanted the OP-and fellow travellers- to know we are not all on the same page.


rep of irl
So all the climate scientists armed with all the available data using the latest most powerful computers are trying to tell me what the weather is going to be like in ten years time, twenty years time and indeed 100 years time. Given this same data and same computers can they let me know what the weather is going to be like next twelve months or indeed tomorrow with any accuracy? I am inclined to think they don't really know. As a matter of fact it's all doubt.
even 4 weeks forward
we have weather-the media hilites the disasters
we always had them
they were not reported before modern global communications
i agree we are over exploiting the planet
polluting and contaminating it
but not 1 word about over population
as farmers we know what happens when the warren becomes too populace


Wether climate change is real or a big hoax I don’t know but lean towards it being an acceleration of a natural cycle. if it is real what they have agreed at cop26 is like putting a plaster on your toe when someone has slit your throat in my opinion.
The only way to stop it if it is real would be to instantly put a stop to almost everything we are doing in modern life, no more vehicles eat only what can be grown locally with no sprays fert tractor use and moved by horse and cart, basically turn the clock back to the way it was 150+ years ago really who is Going to do that wouldn’t be to many jobs left in London oh and reduce the world population to probably less than the uk’s at present

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

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Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

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On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...