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Who else is sick of the climate change lies?


North Wilts
I agree the planet weather has changed since day dot. And the hysteria around "modelling" is tiresome. BUT , if I had a choice to have the pure clean air that I do enjoy, OR a toxic smog soup like that of some Chinese cities, I know which I would pick. So in all, if it gets people to clean their shìţ up can it be a bad thing??

The quickest way to make that happen is make people richer. When a country gets wealthier is spends more time and resources on caring for its natural environment. Its whats has happened in the West, and its what will happen in the developing world too. Wealth also solves the population issue - we see that in the West too, as countries get wealthier they have fewer children, so much so in the West that without immigration their populations would be declining.

It makes perfect sense - if you are poor and are struggling to feed and house yourself what do you care about the state of the local river or the air quality? You just want cheap food and a warm house. And if you live in a poor country there will be no pension system so children are your pension, they will work to keep you in old age. Economic growth is the solution to conserving the natural environment, not laws that fix everybody in poverty by stopping growth.


Mixed Farmer
Humans are not causing climate change.

That's a lie right there.

The globalists want a carbon credit, green passport system, tied to you vax status of course, so that they can wield unprecedented levels of control over us.

Never heard of that one, show me where I can read more?

Covid and climate change are the biggest lies that have ever been fed to the apathetic, docile public. I don't know about anybody else here, but if the government come a-callin, wantin to know how much carbon my farm emitts, i'm now of a mind to tell them where to go. This all ends when we make it end. Covid and climate change disappear when we decide

Well yes, I guess they do. The sooner we stop using fossil fuels the sooner climate change will go away.
The sooner we are all vaccinated and take precautions the sooner covid will become less of a problem.

. Go and read the scottish government 'road map' to net zero, it says a lot about reforestation and peatland restoration, and reducing consumption of beef and lamb.

I can't see anything about reducing meat at all in it.

Where do you buy your tin foil hats? Are they waterproof?


Don't agree. You read like a fully paid up member of the world conspiracy internet club. I just don't understand all this "personal freedom, it's my right" malarky that's going on at the moment. Maybe it's a 21st century phenomenon? Our wallets, handbags and phones are now stuffed with our personal ID items, yet folks are wetting their pants about a having a vaccine certificate. For the real deal in coercive government control, try China, Russia or the like.


Climate credits, green passes, vaccine passes, health status, carbon status?, social credit score, where does it end? Is this really going to save the world? Whoever believes that needs to pull their head out of their arse. And yet we still have this pompous ruling class, rubbing our faces in it like they don't pollute. Flying around the world acting like they're saving it. The f**kin royals!? They are totally irrelevant, no longer serving any purpose. This upside down world, where its ok to buy a tv or phone, or any other trivial sh!t, the list is long, made in china, indonesia, india or vietnam, and yet my farm of 300 sheep, and the 'carbon' im emitting are the problem. I think people need a reality check. The media made a conscious shift from covid to climate, not reporting on vaccine adverse effects, no talking about the cardiac arrests, no mention of the freedom rally protests worldwide, but they made sure to beat us over the head repeatedly about the new bogie man climate change. Should be pretty easy realise whats going on but some people still battle with it
So you don't think Covid is a reel thing ?
Have you had vaccine ?


I believe you are in the camp that thinks being nice to each other will solve our (climate) problems.

Nope, i'm in the camp that understands we need both diggers and dreamers. Some of my closest friends are lentil knitters, they are caring and compassionate, the world would be a nicer place if there were more like them, and it angers me that so many farmers ridicule them. But would I want them running the world, no chance, many couldn't run a bath. I just want the diggers to understand that their enemy isn't the dreamers but the global corporations they have sold their soul and their soil to.

Muck Spreader

Livestock Farmer
The quickest way to make that happen is make people richer. When a country gets wealthier is spends more time and resources on caring for its natural environment. Its whats has happened in the West, and its what will happen in the developing world too. Wealth also solves the population issue - we see that in the West too, as countries get wealthier they have fewer children, so much so in the West that without immigration their populations would be declining.

It makes perfect sense - if you are poor and are struggling to feed and house yourself what do you care about the state of the local river or the air quality? You just want cheap food and a warm house. And if you live in a poor country there will be no pension system so children are your pension, they will work to keep you in old age. Economic growth is the solution to conserving the natural environment, not laws that fix everybody in poverty by stopping growth.
It makes sense until you get to the USA, world's richest country and second biggest polluter. Then it springs apart like an overfull suitcase. :scratchhead:
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Don't agree. You read like a fully paid up member of the world conspiracy internet club. I just don't understand all this "personal freedom, it's my right" malarky that's going on at the moment. Maybe it's a 21st century phenomenon? Our wallets, handbags and phones are now stuffed with our personal ID items, yet folks are wetting their pants about a having a vaccine certificate. For the real deal in coercive government control, try China, Russia or the like.
No. The difference between having a phone in your pocket and a covid passport is that it is my choice to carry the phone. I won't lose my job, or be banned from visiting a pub, or not be allowed in a hospital to visit a dying relative, or go on holiday if I choose to leave the phone at home.

For heaven's sake "Personal freedom" is not a 21st century phenomenon! Have you never heard of Magna Carta? Or the founding principles of the United States? Or governance and policing by consent?

You can't comply your way to freedom.


Mixed Farmer
Don't agree. You read like a fully paid up member of the world conspiracy internet club. I just don't understand all this "personal freedom, it's my right" malarky that's going on at the moment. Maybe it's a 21st century phenomenon? Our wallets, handbags and phones are now stuffed with our personal ID items, yet folks are wetting their pants about a having a vaccine certificate. For the real deal in coercive government control, try China, Russia or the like.

Most people would have been carrying their phones when they had the vaccine. Govts have missed a trick by not implanting code on every phone that entered the vaccine centres.

or maybe they didn’t…… :nailbiting:

Hfd Cattle

Mixed Farmer
Got a relation who is a helicopter pilot . Outside of his main job he does private flying .
He has been flat out flying from London to Glasgow in the last few weeks ......all in aid of climate change !!
Some he has flown them up in the morning and gone back to fetch them home in the evening and the same the next day !!!
What a load of tosh !!!

Muck Spreader

Livestock Farmer
No. The difference between having a phone in your pocket and a covid passport is that it is my choice to carry the phone. I won't lose my job, or be banned from visiting a pub, or not be allowed in a hospital to visit a dying relative, or go on holiday if I choose to leave the phone at home.

For heaven's sake "Personal freedom" is not a 21st century phenomenon! Have you never heard of Magna Carta? Or the founding principles of the United States? Or governance and policing by consent?

You can't comply your way to freedom.
In reality the Magna Carta had very little to do with the rights of the general population. It was about protecting the rights of the Barons (the wealthy) against the excesses of the Crown ( King John).


In reality the Magna Carta had very little to do with the rights of the general population. It was about protecting the rights of the Barons (the wealthy) against the excesses of the Crown ( King John).
Yes, but it is widely considered as being an important step along the long road towards of the democratisation of Britain (or England really). Only those of the correct breeding were allowed to vote until relatively recently.


It has become a case of the emperor’s new clothes anybody who questions the scientists opinions is vilified and their sanity is questioned,well there are plenty examples out there of scientists being wrong,BSE being one that immediately springs to mind that nearly destroyed the livestock industry but has since been proved to be nonsense.
There is the questioning of science using the scientific method and then there is the denial or attempts to disproving science with pseudo science because the most widely held science conflicts with a belief or opinion. The fact that science evolves and that some ideas gets disproven or improved upon and replaced with better science does not mean all science must therefore be wrong. Some people are still convinced the earth is flat, the weight of evidence today lies against them as it does for the denial of man impact on climate or the existence of Covid. So yes, denial of science without being able to offer any better science is for those who wear tin foil hats.


Arable Farmer
Extreme weather events have been more frequent this century, deforestation and the destruction of ecosystems are real, as is the loss of soil to erosion.

As growing food becomes harder in marginal places, what do you think those populations will do? Stay where they are and starve, or will there be mass migration to greener lands?


Mixed Farmer
Extreme weather events have been more frequent this century, deforestation and the destruction of ecosystems are real, as is the loss of soil to erosion.

As growing food becomes harder in marginal places, what do you think those populations will do? Stay where they are and starve, or will there be mass migration to greener lands?
Do the genuine climate scientists know at what point the warming up will effect ocean currents,and then on to change rainfall patterns in each continent? All we are told at the moment is that hot places will get hotter and dryer still,and wet places,warmer and even wetter. You would think eventually,there is bound to be a point where rainfall will appear where it hasnt been before,or at least not in quantities for plant growth.


Arable Farmer
Do the genuine climate scientists know at what point the warming up will effect ocean currents,and then on to change rainfall patterns in each continent? All we are told at the moment is that hot places will get hotter and dryer still,and wet places,warmer and even wetter. You would think eventually,there is bound to be a point where rainfall will appear where it hasnt been before,or at least not in quantities for plant growth.
It’s certainly possible that rain will happen in decent quantities where it has previously been dry. Will that rain come in steady amounts or just n tropical storms? Will there be any living soil there to cultivate crops? I don’t know, but I do believe that farmers and society in general have a duty to keep soil in the best possible condition.
Many soils in the rain forest are highly fertile but also exceedingly fragile and can be lost very quickly.
I agree the planet weather has changed since day dot. And the hysteria around "modelling" is tiresome. BUT , if I had a choice to have the pure clean air that I do enjoy, OR a toxic smog soup like that of some Chinese cities, I know which I would pick. So in all, if it gets people to clean their shìţ up can it be a bad thing??

I have no idea why you frame the situation as having to breath pure clean air or a toxic smog.

Of course neither is true as you should well know.


Livestock Farmer
Nope, i'm in the camp that understands we need both diggers and dreamers. Some of my closest friends are lentil knitters, they are caring and compassionate, the world would be a nicer place if there were more like them, and it angers me that so many farmers ridicule them. But would I want them running the world, no chance, many couldn't run a bath. I just want the diggers to understand that their enemy isn't the dreamers but the global corporations they have sold their soul and their soil to.
Fair enough.
But be aware that the concept (green has to be loved up) is what keeps the Greens out of power.
If they weren't so rabidly lefty, I'd consider them.


Wether climate change is real or a big hoax I don’t know but lean towards it being an acceleration of a natural cycle. if it is real what they have agreed at cop26 is like putting a plaster on your toe when someone has slit your throat in my opinion.
The only way to stop it if it is real would be to instantly put a stop to almost everything we are doing in modern life, no more vehicles eat only what can be grown locally with no sprays fert tractor use and moved by horse and cart, basically turn the clock back to the way it was 150+ years ago really who is Going to do that wouldn’t be to many jobs left in London oh and reduce the world population to probably less than the uk’s at present
Perhaps we could go midway as a species and reduce the massive consumerism either taking place or desired to take place? Problem is the world economy is geared to continuous growth and development. Interesting listen to John Humphries being interviewed the other day as a "boomer" should he feel guilty for the legacy of climate change. He [John H] pointed out that the huge comsumer waste tends to lie with the subsequent generations.

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

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Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

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  • 51
On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...