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Why should I stay..............


Livestock Farmer
North of Perth
I can see where the OP is coming from.I think since the referendum its got worse.especially from the younger generation.take the football the other week as an example.you'd of been hard pushed to find any Scottish person support england( other than if they'd put money on england to win it).
Grow up with the whole 'white settler' thing but to me this is home an I'm not going anywhere.

Donkey Oaty

@ski. I think that you will encounter a bit of the "outsider" alienation wherever you move. It would be the case if you moved from east to west in England or north to south in Wales.
Most people are decent wherever you go and you will meet new friends and a few people you don't click with.
I still believe the silent majority of Scottish people are not anti-English. I supported England and Wales in their Euro matches because I'm British. The SNP encourage this culture of resentment and blaming other people to further their Independence cause and divert attention from their own shortcomings.
Nicola will not be leader for ever ( in the recent election I thought that she came across as pretty exasperated at times!). Times will change.

Ffermer Bach

Livestock Farmer
There is an us and them mentality everywhere. People need some group to lash out against. For the British it is any foreigner, for the Scottish it is the English, for the Glaswegian its the Edinburgers, for the Celtic supports its Rangers. This is over generalizing but the principle stands.
Sorry to hear you feel like you do but its not personal, its just humanity.
It is paranoid thinking and it is unhealthy when it gets out of hand. It is good, if during a football match we are all together, and against the other fans and healthy when, after the final whistle blows we can all be friends again. However, our culture seems to be changing so that is not possible, the number of times I see the never trust a tory or I hate all tory's, we seem to have gone down a road that leads to intolerance, I think social media has exacerbated that, the SNP just seem to be tapping into that (and unfortunately they control the schools etc) and making it worse for their own ends.
There is an us and them mentality everywhere. People need some group to lash out against. For the British it is any foreigner, for the Scottish it is the English, for the Glaswegian its the Edinburgers, for the Celtic supports its Rangers. This is over generalizing but the principle stands.
Sorry to hear you feel like you do but its not personal, its just humanity.

It's a well established military tactic, demonisation of a population you want to go to war with so people will fight with little motivation.

Only works if the population is in a fit state to look for any old excuse to "Have a go".

My father likes to watch WW2 programs especially how the USA fought Japan. The Japanese were portrayed as wearing glasses, sneaky, evil. Unfotunately Socialism has violent roots - ie Russia, China.


Ffermer Bach

Livestock Farmer
I'm pretty ambivalent about the current Scottish Government. I don't agree with a lot of their ideals and motives, but they govern relatively adequately.
However there is not much other options when you look at Holyrood.
I also think they are a lot less rotten than the current UK government.

At the end of the day, we all have the ability to do our bit to try and change it. We can campaign, support opposition parties, stand for election ourselves. It all depends how unhappy we are with the current lot and how motivated we are.

I don't like the current constitutional set up, however I'm not sure what the answer is. Federalism?
I think we need to remember, the reason we have a union between Scotland and the rest of the UK, is because Scotland was essentially bankrupt, and the Scots rulers wanted the union, to be bailed out (from their abortive empire building in South America). I wonder if this fact is taught in school? Or do they just watch Braveheart?

Consequences of failure[edit]
The failure of the Darien colonisation project has been cited as one of the motivations for the 1707 Acts of Union.[30] According to this argument, the Scottish establishment (landed aristocracy and mercantile elites) considered that their best chance of being part of a major power would be to share the benefits of England's international trade and the growth of the English overseas possessions and so its future would have to lie in unity with England. Furthermore, Scotland's nobles were almost bankrupted by the Darien fiasco.

Some Scottish nobility petitioned Westminster to wipe out the Scottish national debt and stabilise the currency. Although the first request was not met, the second was, and the Scottish shilling was given the fixed value of an English penny. Personal Scottish financial interests were also involved. Scottish commissioners had invested heavily in the Darien project and believed that they would receive compensation for their losses. The 1707 Acts of Union,[31] Article 15, granted £398,085 10s sterling to Scotland to offset future liability towards the English national debt. This amount equates to about £100,000,000 in 2020 money.[32]


I think we need to remember, the reason we have a union between Scotland and the rest of the UK, is because Scotland was essentially bankrupt, and the Scots rulers wanted the union, to be bailed out (from their abortive empire building in South America). I wonder if this fact is taught in school? Or do they just watch Braveheart?

Consequences of failure[edit]
The failure of the Darien colonisation project has been cited as one of the motivations for the 1707 Acts of Union.[30] According to this argument, the Scottish establishment (landed aristocracy and mercantile elites) considered that their best chance of being part of a major power would be to share the benefits of England's international trade and the growth of the English overseas possessions and so its future would have to lie in unity with England. Furthermore, Scotland's nobles were almost bankrupted by the Darien fiasco.

Some Scottish nobility petitioned Westminster to wipe out the Scottish national debt and stabilise the currency. Although the first request was not met, the second was, and the Scottish shilling was given the fixed value of an English penny. Personal Scottish financial interests were also involved. Scottish commissioners had invested heavily in the Darien project and believed that they would receive compensation for their losses. The 1707 Acts of Union,[31] Article 15, granted £398,085 10s sterling to Scotland to offset future liability towards the English national debt. This amount equates to about £100,000,000 in 2020 money.[32]
This is NEVER taught in schools. We were all taught about the wars of independence in the 13th and 14th centuries, but NEVER Darien. We were taught plenty Burns "bought and sold for English gold" but never the context. I was educated in the 80s and 90s, so its no surprise the current crop of MSPs who are of similar vintage are they way they are.


Help me out please. Particularly those native Scots.

I have spent half my life north of the border, but was born in the south. 20 plus years here. I am now after that time able to consider buying a small chunk for ourselves. However........ When I came north my lineage was not of much concern but now as I sit looking at the outbursts from the SNP, (Scotland is not England etc.) I find myself questioning why I should stay when clearly a large percentage of the country resent the English. I raised my family and paid my taxes but I am in danger of becoming hostile toward the country that has been my home for so long. I haven't changed and I know there are many great people here and I have many friends here, but I feel that we are resented by so many Scots that perhaps it is time to get out. That it is driven by the SNP matters not, it is gaining traction.

Why should I stay?
I feel exactly the same .

Bob the beef

Livestock Farmer
Scot Borders
I feel exactly the same .
Do come across the resentment and unfriendly comments in your daily business or is it how you feel after watching the tv and other media.?
I’m interested because as a born and bred Scot, I don’t think there is a massive unwelcome feeling towards our Southern cousins, especially if they are just getting on with their business and not trying to over impose themselves on the local population.

I do see the issues though, when you dip into social media etc but I don’t believe a word I see on that


West Yorkshire
Grandma took her two youngest boys on a short break to Edinburgh, nice hotel, come the morning they decided to have porridge for breakfast, when she asked for sugar the waiter said 'we put salt in porridge not sugar', Gran wasn't one to back down and insisted he bring some sugar straight away, so back he came with a bowl of sugar cubes.
Throughout the week he seemed to show resent towards any English guests.

She did give him an envelope with a tip in it when they left, it was a piece of paper and written on it 'If you had treated us with less contempt there would have been some money'.

Come to Wales.

Then we can insult you in Welsh too.
Nah, tried it twice never again. First time I asked for directions in a shop and the two guys in there started talking Welsh so couldn't understand them, although they were both talking in english when I walked in, second time a fuel tanker driver shoved me off the road into a ditch.

dave mountain

Livestock Farmer
We need England far far more than England needs us. If England held a referendum on our behalf, we’d be cut adrift to the temporary joy of wee nippy and that oaf Blackford!
After the stampede of cash out of Scotland, there would be feck all left, bar midgies and buckfast!🤦‍♂️
Hold that taxi @AftonShepherd, I’m coming with you !
Be no buckfast I'm afraid, long way to smuggle it across the border from Devon 😂

dave mountain

Livestock Farmer
I'm pretty ambivalent about the current Scottish Government. I don't agree with a lot of their ideals and motives, but they govern relatively adequately.
However there is not much other options when you look at Holyrood.
I also think they are a lot less rotten than the current UK government.

At the end of the day, we all have the ability to do our bit to try and change it. We can campaign, support opposition parties, stand for election ourselves. It all depends how unhappy we are with the current lot and how motivated we are.

I don't like the current constitutional set up, however I'm not sure what the answer is. Federalism?
Disagree completely, holyrood is an absolute shambles. if holyrood was under the same scrutiny as Westminster there would be nobody left, the way investigations are handled is a joke and wouldn't be accepted in Westminster.
SNP is managing to somehow have the highest spending and lowest performing government in a number of areas, including education. No wonder they are keen to distract from their own pee poor performance with pointless ploys for another referendum. I could go on with my rant but I'd end up with a novel 😂

deere 6600

Mixed Farmer
I don’t want to leave the union but if … a big if the vote goes that way and it all goes tits up do we just say oops while oor nic rides off into the sunset .sorry just put a picture in my head that I really don’t like. Gaaaaaaads

dave mountain

Livestock Farmer
40% UK land mass. 90% UK natural resources. 10% of UK population.

I'm sorry but you're making an untrue statement.
Then why does your economy require massive subsidy from the English each and every year? And even with this subsidy still underperforming in a number of key areas?

You lot should be subsidising us by the sounds of it, unless perhaps it is a true statement, and Scotland needs England more? The English taxpayer needs Scotland like he needs a hole in the head.
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Ffermer Bach

Livestock Farmer

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

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Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

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On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...