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  1. Adeptandy

    S Oats or S Linseed

    Between the devil and the deep, have Oats and Linseed to drill, but a field of OSR that was destined to be sprayed off has got to the stage its now worth keeping. So need to cut one of the crops areas. As I've grown neither in the past its a coin toss unless the collective wisdom of TFF can...
  2. Elliott

    Broadcast cover crop into standing crop 36m

    Just wondering if anyone is successful in broadcasting cover crops into standing crop pre harvest. We are at 36m, is anyone doing it at that width, and also has it proved a successful method of establishment? Cheers
  3. JCfarmer

    Spring drilling 2021

    Have I missed this thread or has no one started? Mucked 2 weeks ago. Soil loosening with topsoiler yesterday and today. Work with the carrier tomorrow and then wednesday.................. rain!!!? :rolleyes: This is for spring barley. How is everyone getting on, still to wet?
  4. Punch

    Mid Teir AB12 mix

    Is mustard seed acceptable as small seeded part of mix. I‘be got linseed, OSR and it requires a third small seed and mustards all I’ve got. Will birds benefit/eat it ok? TIA
  5. Adeptandy

    Class Lexion

    Looking like I might be in the market for a combine. Current options ( due to budget and whats available ) are 570+ or a 570C don't want to go wider than 7.5m header, ideally Vario just in case I get OSR to grow in the future. Your thoughts please
  6. S

    Id this crop

    Can someone tell me what this is?
  7. M

    Sustainable Farming Incentive - Pilot Information (including PAYMENT RATES)

    https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sustainable-farming-incentive-scheme-pilot-launch-overview/sustainable-farming-incentive-defras-plans-for-piloting-and-launching-the-scheme To me this looks far from straightforward and those who moaned about the complexities of the BPS application...
  8. gellis888

    Linseed volunteers in grass ley

    I have a field which was put into grass after linseed (late) last September. It hasn't established very well and the linseed volunteers, as you can imagine, have done very well not being sprayed off. I was told they could be grazed off with sheep before they get too 'stemy' in the spring. But...
  9. Drillman

    Mite be having a dabble at DD but what cover crop?

    Ok I’ve not been the biggest fan of DD I will admit but been having a think about one field in particular it’s thin soil chalky free draining and is a bugger to plough so going forwards it’s maybe time to do something different current crop is wheat and was thinking S barley next then S oats...
  10. Pilatus

    What cultivator (excluding Top Down types) do you use to "One Pass" cultivate Over wintered stubbles ready for drilling.

    I see a large estate near where I live are using an 8mtr wide cultivator to rip up overwintered stubble ready for drilling with their Vaderstaad drill. Up until now they have been using their Top Down, I think they must have at last realised they do not need to use a Top Down on thin...
  11. David.

    Spring linseed advice please.

    May end up with some this year, what variety stands/combines easily, etc? Imagine yield percentage is secondary to other factors perhaps, has linseed moved on any in 10yrs since I last had a fairly unsatisfying attempt at it?
  12. le bon paysan

    Nitrogen question

    Split dose 2/3 1/3 or all in 1. It's urea. 300 kgs/h.
  13. S

    Have I missed something or have we no idea what the new Scottish Ag Policy will be?

    We've been hearing about ELMS for months. Have I missed something, or what has anyone at our end been doing??
  14. Agriland RSS

    Cereals 2021 crop plots have wintered well ahead of planned show

    Written by William Kellett The crop plots at the Lincolnshire Cereals event site have wintered well and are going into spring in strong shape, according to the event agronomist and site manager. A key feature of Cereals, the crop plots present visitors with a chance to see the latest varieties...
  15. AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds

    Harvest ‘22 gross margins drop off for barley

    As we continue through our alternative crops week, it is important to look at how gross margins shape up both for spring crops for harvest 2021 and all crops for harvest 2022. Values for small area crops, such as soya and linseed, are included in these margins. It is important to note that the...
  16. Bman

    Tine direct seeding

    Went down a bit of a rabbit hole the other day on YouTube, it seems in other parts of the world where they direct sow a lot of cereals (Canada Australia) they seem to use manly tine drills and move a bit of soil. My question is are disc drills great in theory but rubbish in practice or just to...
  17. Masterofnone

    Summer cover crop

    I’m wanting to plant a summer cover crop in some marginal land. Heavy clay. We’ve had consistently low yields, and it works up slabby. I want to put some structure back in and think the best way is roots. most mixes are focussed on winter cover and Nfixing. I want a summer structure mix that...
  18. AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds

    A look at alternative break crops for UK production

    This week has been a focus on alternative cropping options that can help provide returns for farm businesses. Yesterday was a look at pulses, whilst today will be alternative oilseeds, namely linseed and domestic soyabeans. The oilseed rape area has been declining each season since 2011/12 with...
  19. Barley

    Winter linseed

    Winter linseed looks pretty sick with this cold weather anybody got any experience? Will it bounce back?
  20. W

    DD wheat post OSR

    Much as our soil conditions would allow us to do it - unfortunately the slugs won’t. How effective is multiple stubble raking post osr pre wheat drilling in managing slug populations or is this just wishful thinking ?