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  1. D

    Banana shortage

    There appears to be an acute shortage of Banana's. What country should we invade to gurantee supply ASDA have none this is serious.
  2. Jasper

    Lime in lambing pens

    I’ve been given a few bags of lime how much do I need to put in a 5ft x5ft pen thanks
  3. H

    Sick bull

    Our bull has stopped eating and is making a low grunting noise with every breath, started 2 days ago but yesterday seemed better but worse now. Will be phoning the vet shortly, just wondering if you have any ideas? My father is thinking a wire. Been no change in his diet so ruling out acidosis...
  4. Bald Rick

    KTwo gone bust?

    Hearing KTwo the trailer and muck spreader manufacturer has gone bang. Is right? Very good kit and big shame if true
  5. Agriland RSS

    Time to begin planning for the weaning of calves

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland On farms where calving begins in mid-January, there will now be calves between nine and 10-weeks-of-age, and it may be time to start preparing for weaning. Weaning should be done based on weight, not just age, and ideally during the rearing period you...
  6. Agriland RSS

    BT cup winner has been ‘instrumental’ in disease control of animals

    Written by Agriland Team from Agriland Dr. Sam Strain was awarded the “prestigious” BT cup at the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) annual dinner, which was held at the Lough Erne Resort in Co. Fermanagh on Friday, March 22. Among the 200 guests were Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural...
  7. Agriland RSS

    Dairy advice: Risk of scour and pneumonia cases grows

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland Calf sheds on many farms now full and the bacterial load inside them is quite high, which means that calves are now at higher risk of scour. A number a factors could now be causing issues with scour in sheds, and the current focus should be on...
  8. ladycrofter

    Rumen Fluke

    Rumen fluke here, and if it's here in the Highlands, it's everywhere 😱. We suspected a missing link, with losing a few healthy lambs last summer. Just suddenly going downhill for no reason, looking flukey but shouldn't be, and in spite of a very effective health plan. After reading the comments...
  9. I

    Carpet farming

    well not exactly carpet farming , more of a diorama . Having visited the Malvern tractor show and looking around the model dioramas I thought i might have ago . I dont watch a lot of telly and if i do its usually you tube but theres only so much I can endure , so plenty of time to do...
  10. J

    Calf with scour

    I've got a calf with scour for the first time in ages. She was born not even 48 hours ago, yesterday morning she was down, very dehydrated, lethargic etc I phoned my vet and asked what she would recommend, basically lots of fluid and a jab of diatrim for ecoli I tubed get yesterday morning...
  11. Jerry

    Joint Ill - Lambs

    Anyone seeing more joint ill than normal? I always get a hand full but treating about a dozen at the moment. Lamb outside and these are approx 10 to 15 days old. Weather been crap like everywhere so prob the cause. Treating with a big hit of Trimox LA and metacam.
  12. Agriland RSS

    Pneumonia in calf sheds now becoming a risk

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland As calf sheds begin to fill on farms this spring, pneumonia can begin to become an issue on many dairy farms. Pneumonia and scour are the two biggest killers of young calves, so prevention of these illnesses should be of high priority. Pneumonia is...
  13. Agriland RSS

    Dairy advice: Moving calves to OAD feeding

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland Calves on many farms are now old enough to transition to once-a-day (OAD) feeding, which can reduce the workload considerably on farms. During the spring period, the feeding of calves and milking of cows are two jobs that take up a significant amount...
  14. Vorest Tat

    Scour in young lambs

    Got a couple of 3-4week old lambs scouring a bit down their legs. Pale yellowy/grey. Seem well in hhemselves. Should I be treating them with anything?? Is it Crytopto......?
  15. Agriland RSS

    Dale Farm to reduce milk production carbon footprint by 30%

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland Dale Farm has committed to reducing the carbon footprint of its milk production by 30% by 2030 as part of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). As part of its work with the SBTi, the dairy cooperative is required to set environmental...
  16. Agriland RSS

    Dairy advice: Treating a calf with scour

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland During the calving rearing period, there is an increased risk of disease or sickness, with scour being the biggest risk to young calves. Scour is the biggest killer of young calves on dairy farms, and the severity of cases can vary greatly – from...
  17. C

    UK Dairy Farmers’ Approach To Treating Neonatal Calf Scour.🐮

    Calling all UK Dairy Farmers and Calf Rearers As part of my BSc (Hons) BioVeterinary Science degree at Harper Adams University, I am carrying out research to investigate UK dairy farmers’ approach to treating neonatal calf scour. If you are a UK dairy farmer or calf rearer, I would be very...
  18. B

    Calves that stop drinking

    While working with two Angus calves tonight that had drunk well for a week but won’t now,no scour no temperature it dawned on me of a few bunches of Charolais calves that did the same maybe 30 years ago 🙄 the vet said to mix salt in the drink,worked a treat. Was that a fluke or is there...
  19. P

    What vehicle?

    Any suggestions for an all round vehicle please. Both a farm vehicle and family vehicle. It’ll be used for towing a ifor Williams at times, running across fields during harvest with bowsers/tools etc. Then on the daily school run as well as holidays in this country. Basically my only vehicle for...
  20. Headless chicken

    How to treat crypto?

    Currently using halacour or some variation of it. It’s a pig of a disease and I hate it. Calf shed gets cleaned as well as possible but no concrete. Is there any other solution or just keep on at it with halacour?