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  1. onthehoof

    Fertilising AHL2

    Anyone doing it, makes a big difference but does it justify the cost?
  2. F

    Maize 24

    Frost on the ground in parts this morning and we have 45 acres of maize going in today. I'll let you know in a fortnight wether it was the right call. Hope to get a photo up later.
  3. A

    Farm fertilizer

    Hi just been pricing fert after a wet miserable lambing ... normally buy 25.5.5.... 20.8.11 was mentioned in conversation, never used it and it'd obviosly higher in p an k ....on a mixed livestock farm that makes round baled hay and silage and puts muck on thru winter would a 20,8,11 be a good...
  4. B

    Liquid back to granular fertiliser?

    I’m thinking of making the move back to spreading fertiliser instead of using liquid. Anybody done it and regretted it? We can’t put on liquid P & K so have to use a contractor and as we are 36m spread pattern is hit and miss. We’ve had scorch last year and this year with this year in...
  5. N

    LKRB spread chart for KRM

    Wondering if anyone knows the spread chart number for LKRB calcifert sulphur? Currently running a MW2 and can’t find it in the krm app or in my spread chart book. Thanks
  6. CPM RSS

    Cereal crop agronomy: Shift in approach

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF For this month’s topical cereal disease and agronomy feature, CPM reviews insights from AHDB’s re-run Early Bird Survey coupled with added reflections from agronomists and farmers. By Janine Adamson One thing’s for certain – this year...
  7. CPM RSS

    Adapting disease management: T2 – Nothing but the best

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF It might be one of those years where it’s sorely tempting to tighten the belt where input spend is concerned, but this could be a false economy. CPM explores the benefits of a well-timed T2. By Melanie Jenkins Variability, not just...
  8. Hereward

    Liquid fert in an IBC

    Can you get liquid fert, like N37 in an IBC? I only need 3000 litres to do some headlands and have no tank. I appreciate it will be more expensive, but do any of the big boys supply in ibcs.
  9. unlacedgecko

    Scottish Sub Calving index 410 days

    https://thefarmingforum.co.uk/index.php?threads/scotland-new-calving-interval-of-410-days-added-to-ssbss.407024/ Current Scottish calving index figures
  10. Agriland RSS

    Little winter crop sown on farms – CAFRE

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland Little to no winter crop has been sown out on farms, according to College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) crop specialists. This is a direct consequence of the atrocious weather that characterised the harvest of 2023 in Northern...
  11. O

    Wet heavy clay ground could be helpful info

    Hi this wet weather. I watched Glen rabenburg, on you tube he is selling a product to floculate heavy soil .I have resurched what it could be and I am quite convinced it is calcium chloride which could be sold in other chemical mixed in uk.
  12. Agriland RSS

    Is it time to prepare silage ground for the first cut?

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland Although there are still many cows in the shed, and grazing has not fully taken off yet, it’s now time for silage preparation to begin. The harvesting of first cut silage will hopefully be taking place on most farms in early to mid-May if conditions...
  13. J

    Anyone spread any fert?

    I'm getting a bit twitchy, not spread any yet, has anyone? I'm getting worried it's getting late but don't want it to tend up in a river! I'm thinking of going Wednesday as its looking dryish during the day and Thursday? What sort of rates for urea on silage ground and grazing g ground would...
  14. Zippy768

    Is this sulphur?

    Got two bags that look like this, on the right of the picture. On the left is what 4 other bags have looked like so far, and what bags I have checked in the stack. Should be 40n 14s. Looks to me like the other way around?
  15. CPM RSS

    On Farm Opinion: Moving with the times

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF What’s the result when combining a carbon removal specialist with a Scottish agricultural contractor, a fleet of Fendt tractors and a ready supply of volcanic rock? The answer is, a new way to create carbon credits. CPM finds out more...
  16. CPM RSS

    OSR weed control: Smooth operator

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF A difficult season for herbicide application is likely to have resulted in an unwanted bounty of weeds in oilseed rape crops. With the final window having arrived for mastering some control, CPM digs deeper into the role of water...
  17. Agriland RSS

    Farmers encouraged to fully incorporate cover crops into soils

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland Farmers are being encouraged to harness the full potential of cover crops by ensuring they are fully incorporated into soils this spring. Eastern product manager at Timac Agro UK, Adam Bartowski, said that, by doing so, soils will be more...
  18. Ed @ Farmdeals

    Collective deals- Fertiliser and chemicals

    Hi everyone, Here are the latest collective deals. Any questions feel free to ask away or drop me a DM. We're also trying to gauge interest of what other collective deals we should run, if you think we should run a particular deal let me know below. We have had a couple of members suggest a...
  19. CPM RSS

    Using variable nitrogen this spring

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine Variable rate nitrogen applications could be a valuable tool for managing uneven crops this spring, urge experts. Omnia’s Aidan Monaghan says while some crops sown before the weather broke last October have established well and show potential, others...
  20. T

    Tow and Fert

    Hey, just a question for Tow and Fert users. Are they worth it?