Carb-free/Atkins/Keto diets - any advice


Mixed Farmer
I went in the early’90s. Food was everywhere at a time when in UK fast food was fish and chips. Petrol stations sold on petrol and people rarely ate out. It was a revelation 44 ounce sodas. All you can eat buffets. Pizzas delivered to where you were working. Obviously no one is doing an all you can eat frogs legs Tuesday in England but it was what the UK is now. Fill up with petrol and get some donuts or go to the KFC next door. Go to Wickes for some paint and get a bacon sandwich. Food it’s hard to avoid it no wonder there’s a obesity epidemic.
It's quite some place. I first went there around 2000 and was absolutely gobsmacked at the sheer size of some of the people compared to the fattest people we'd had in the UK at that point. We were just playing at the job. They've obv got bigger since then...

Bury the Trash

Mixed Farmer
mind you i have got a penchant for Christmas cake atm, Mrs always makes a cracker,:cool: will last about another week ir. at about a slice a day :love:.


Mixed Farmer
I was just closing some tabs down and thought this would interest those scared of fats.

Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings
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Mixed Farmer
@Ffermer Bach will find you a video about omega 6 in seed oils. I don't know where he posted it before
There are loads of videos on this on Youtube, I posted a good one earlier in the thread. Here's the video that originally got me interested in all of this. 2 hours though, so prob too long for most. But the ground that's covered is in a lot of other videos.



Arable Farmer
I am now at my heaviest ever, and need to lose some. I have had a few friends recommend these carb free diets. Any Tips?
Old ish thread I know, but not in the scheme of things. I tried atkins diet, lost 3 stone but soon put a fair bit back on, it took quite a bit of effort to keep with and I got bored of food, went down a more iron age approach which worked better. I don't ever eat breakfast, haven't for 20 years and it's probably not that good a way to eat. But, I now have a pint of milk before heading out, never hungry for a snack, if I have an early lunch to push on its normally a chunk of cheese and a bit of cucumber, don't eat crap, eat far too late for supper and seem to have a a relatively good bmi which I don't need to watch... need to consume fat to burn fat
Old ish thread I know, but not in the scheme of things. I tried atkins diet, lost 3 stone but soon put a fair bit back on, it took quite a bit of effort to keep with and I got bored of food, went down a more iron age approach which worked better. I don't ever eat breakfast, haven't for 20 years and it's probably not that good a way to eat. But, I now have a pint of milk before heading out, never hungry for a snack, if I have an early lunch to push on its normally a chunk of cheese and a bit of cucumber, don't eat crap, eat far too late for supper and seem to have a a relatively good bmi which I don't need to watch... need to consume fat to burn fat

BMI is old hat and should not be relied upon.

The main issue with carbs and in particular simple carbs is that you can soon eat a lot of them in no time at all and still feel hungry. Case in point, today a colleague had a bag of those cookies from the bakery. We worked out the total calorie content of them was 1850 calories. That's enough energy for a person my size to run 18 miles.


Mixed Farmer
East Essexshire
I'm six weeks into a carnivore diet, and ten kilos down so far. And that's with five or six days off it for Christmas.

It's all very well having all this advice about tweaking lifestyles, but if you're anything like me, you need to get your body into a decent starting position first, and that involves losing a lot of weight.

What I'm on now is a once a day meal, as early in the evening as possible (about 5pm) consisting of a sausage, a beef burger, a thick slice of bacon, a lump of black pudding and a chicken breast all cooked together in the oven for 45 minutes with a nob of butter. Two eggs go in for the last ten minutes, and I try and eat a couple of ounces of liver pate while I'm waiting. I drink tea with milk, but had a week of just water mid December, and it wasn't too bad, and I might go back to that.
It took a bit of figuring out what I could eat without bread/potatoes long term, and without spending a fortune on steak! It turns out I can't stand plain mince.
I might try a few other things yet, YouTube has plenty of people giving some weird advice, but there's some good bits in there too. A joint of beef in a slow cooker with butter, and just living off that and water for a few days looks quite appealing.

A couple of things that helped:
Scotch eggs! Before getting used to no carbs, a basic supermarket scotch egg got me through hungry mornings.
Ignore the 'eat all the meat you want' recommendations. I have (had?) a vast appetite, and to start with I cooked huge plates of meat to eat until I was full, but it was far too much. I've found that by eating the above, while I'm not completely full immediately afterwards, I am an hour later, and I'm not needing anything except cups of tea for the next 23 hours.

I've got another 20kg to go, which I'm hoping to get to long before the summer, and then I'll be in a far better physical position to live a healthier lifestyle and diet, and make sure I don't get back to this situation.
I got six stone off by the end of June, from starting in October last year (the first stone or so I lost before I went on the meat diet).
So far I've kept it off. I'm still eating a lot of meat but not a strict diet as such, and every now and then I'll have a week or ten days without sugars and carbs at all to bring my weight down if it starts going up.
Eventually I'd like to get another stone off, to get me back to the weight I was at in my early 20's, but that's a lot of bulk I've lost very quickly, and I Think my body needs the winter to adjust to where I've got to now. I know I lost muscle mass on my upper body, shoulders especially, which is slowly building back.
I certainly feel better for it. Even at my heaviest I would still do a 5km Parkrun on a Saturday morning, so I wasn't some blobby mess, but I can do so much more now.

Gong Farmer

S E Glos
There's a lot of good tales re the carnivore diet. In one below, woman was 770lbs (55 stone!) to start with. Lost half of that in a matter of months

Carnivore diet tends to suppress appetite so no problem skipping meals - something high carb/processed foods would never let you do!

I'm not trying to lose weight but doing a couple of 16hr fasts per week - just skipping breakfast i.e.
for other health benefits. Originally thought I'd have to sit around doing nothing as I would have no energy, not safe to drive etc. But found the opposite, keeping active and occupied takes your mind off the empty stomach.
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I am now at my heaviest ever, and need to lose some. I have had a few friends recommend these carb free diets. Any Tips?
Whats your diet like right now?
I lost weight by missing carbs from the evening meal and giving up beer.
Whatever you do...make sure its something you can maintain. Diets dont work over the long term.,im pretty sure thats well accepted!
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For those that reduced their carbs / sugar intake, I'm wondering what you packed into your lunch / bait box?
Currently my lunch box consists of bread sandwiches, a packet of crisps and a little of chocolate. I need to reduce my carb / sugar intake but are struggling to think of a 'workman' alternative.


Mixed Farmer
East Essexshire
For those that reduced their carbs / sugar intake, I'm wondering what you packed into your lunch / bait box?
Currently my lunch box consists of bread sandwiches, a packet of crisps and a little of chocolate. I need to reduce my carb / sugar intake but are struggling to think of a 'workman' alternative.
If you go full carnivorous diet (or whatever you want to call it) you only need to eat once a day, and can easily go longer if you want.
Having said that, I get through a lot of Scotch eggs!
(I'm thinking of getting some biltong too, but I was never a great fan of it, even when I lived in Southern Africa where it's a standard snack).
For those that reduced their carbs / sugar intake, I'm wondering what you packed into your lunch / bait box?
Currently my lunch box consists of bread sandwiches, a packet of crisps and a little of chocolate. I need to reduce my carb / sugar intake but are struggling to think of a 'workman' alternative.
Tub of cocktail sausages
Get rid of everything you eat now


Livestock Farmer
I'm unusual in that I can skip breakfast, drink a cup of tea and get to lunch time without feeling hungry. You just have to learn to ignore your gut.
It’s probably more normal than folk think, if I had a bowl of wreak or a slice of toast I’d be way hungrier come lunch time than if I’d just had a cup of tea.

Scrambled eggs is best for me starting the day, tend to stop for lunch more out of habit than need, could probably do scrambled eggs for breakfast and then a good dinner come 6pm fine.

I reckon the absolute best plan for long term healthy eating would be to try and consume whole foods only, as in single ingredient stuff, potato, oats, rice, meat, eggs, veg, dairy etc

avoid wheat, veg oils and refined sugar (not as simple as it sounds).

The nations health would be transformed if we stuck to that I think.
It’s probably more normal than folk think, if I had a bowl of wreak or a slice of toast I’d be way hungrier come lunch time than if I’d just had a cup of tea.

Scrambled eggs is best for me starting the day, tend to stop for lunch more out of habit than need, could probably do scrambled eggs for breakfast and then a good dinner come 6pm fine.

I reckon the absolute best plan for long term healthy eating would be to try and consume whole foods only, as in single ingredient stuff, potato, oats, rice, meat, eggs, veg, dairy etc

avoid wheat, veg oils and refined sugar (not as simple as it sounds).

The nations health would be transformed if we stuck to that I think.
Take the oats and rice off the list and your spot on


Mixed Farmer
Take the oats and rice off the list and your spot on
I wouldn’t get too carried away with vilifying oats and rice, although I know where you’re coming from, I generally avoid them. As long as they’ve not been tampered with they’re whole foods and we can cope with them just fine. It's the processing where it all starts to go wrong. Potatoes are a good example of this. Boil them in a pan and add a knob of butter and they’re hugely satiating without spiking your blood glucose/insulin. Send them to McD’s for ultra processing and they’re one of the worst things you can put in your mouth.

Farmer Roy

Arable Farmer
NSW, Newstralya
For those that reduced their carbs / sugar intake, I'm wondering what you packed into your lunch / bait box?
Currently my lunch box consists of bread sandwiches, a packet of crisps and a little of chocolate. I need to reduce my carb / sugar intake but are struggling to think of a 'workman' alternative.

err, apart from water, I dont find the need to pack any food to take with me for the day

i think a LOT of our eating, especially if driving / operating machinery, is out of boredom or something to do, rather than an actual physical requirement


Mixed Farmer
For those that reduced their carbs / sugar intake, I'm wondering what you packed into your lunch / bait box?
Currently my lunch box consists of bread sandwiches, a packet of crisps and a little of chocolate. I need to reduce my carb / sugar intake but are struggling to think of a 'workman' alternative.
Crisps need to go in the bin straight away, the bread too. Choc obvs although you could switch to say a 70% dark choc, dark choc is protective of heart health. I find higher than 70% not very pleasant but a couple of squares of 70 should ease you into the job. Cheese, tasty and satisfying. Whatever’s in your sarnie just put it in a tupperware and have more of it. Just cutting out bread alone will help if you do nothing else. I honestly don’t know why people eat bread, it’s tasteless.
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SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

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Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

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Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...