Here is a quick reminder of the key points in law to ensure compliance with the rules on farm-saved seed (FSS):
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- It is a statutory requirement that all FSS use must be declared to BSPB
- There are five ways to declare - by post,e-mail, online, phone and fax
- Payment for use of eligible varieties must be made to BSPB. Two payment routes are available:
- via your NAAC or BSPB registered processor at a tonnage rate
- direct to BSPB at a hectarage rate
- Payment rates and lists of eligible varieties are published on the BSPB web site at (note the rates will be updated at the end of June for autumn 2019 and spring 2020, we are calculating them at the moment in accordance with our agreement with the NFUs)
- FSS must be produced and saved within a farmer's own holding (ie land farmed as the same business)
- FSS rules apply whether seed has been processed or taken straight from the barn
- FSS payment is due at the point of sowing and applies whether crops are taken to harvest or not (eg cover crops, failed crops)
- Farmers cannot sell, buy, barter or otherwise transfer FSS outside their own holding
- The use of FSS from hybrid varieties is not permitted
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