To give a bit of background I help my Dad on a small hill farm. The farm has always been a part time hobby for Dad who up until retirement worked as a hub driver. We farm just under 100 acres 50 acres owned by Dad , 10 acres owned by me and 40 acres rented. I have a full time 9-5 office job and help out on evenings and weekends doing around 10 hours a week on average.
Spending so much time working together is really special and I can’t imagine what our relationship would be like without the farm. We both get on with each other really well possibly because we are both quite laid back. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses inside out.
The problem I’m finding is that the farm is just not performing as well as it should. I think we could do things slightly differently which would both make the work easier and more profitable. Dad does listen but just doesn’t act on it, everything will be done next summer but never happens. I feel guilty for constantly nagging. Ultimately I can’t see anything changing, I can’t make the changes that I want because I don’t have any control but without some change the enjoyment is diminishing which is in turn effects our relationship.
I’m sure that others have been in a similar situation and at least for me the farm is not my main job. I would just like to hear how others have dealt this situation.
Spending so much time working together is really special and I can’t imagine what our relationship would be like without the farm. We both get on with each other really well possibly because we are both quite laid back. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses inside out.
The problem I’m finding is that the farm is just not performing as well as it should. I think we could do things slightly differently which would both make the work easier and more profitable. Dad does listen but just doesn’t act on it, everything will be done next summer but never happens. I feel guilty for constantly nagging. Ultimately I can’t see anything changing, I can’t make the changes that I want because I don’t have any control but without some change the enjoyment is diminishing which is in turn effects our relationship.
I’m sure that others have been in a similar situation and at least for me the farm is not my main job. I would just like to hear how others have dealt this situation.