Just recently purchased a Horsch Avatar 6.16 SD. It will be mainly used on our own farm but a number of local farmers have shown interest in using it to drill their OSR and companion crop it with buckwheat, drilling both at the same time. Also, we demo'd it to stitch grass seed into existing ley which worked surprisingly well. Some local dairy farmers have also expressed interest in drilling grass directly into existing leys for them.
The drill was specified with three tanks so can do three different applications in one.
Does anyone use one for contracting purposes and if so, what would you be charging? Would it be flat rate regardless of what was being drilled or incremental price increases for the use of the other tanks and the ability to drill companion crops etc.
I've looked at NAAC charges and £25/acre possibly seems steep for the likes of stitching in grass that would be drilled shallow and wouldn't wear the discs etc.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
The drill was specified with three tanks so can do three different applications in one.
Does anyone use one for contracting purposes and if so, what would you be charging? Would it be flat rate regardless of what was being drilled or incremental price increases for the use of the other tanks and the ability to drill companion crops etc.
I've looked at NAAC charges and £25/acre possibly seems steep for the likes of stitching in grass that would be drilled shallow and wouldn't wear the discs etc.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!