• Quick early development with erect growth habit
• Fast to reach GS30
• Later maturing, allowing more time to build yield SY INSITOR is a taller variety (with no PGR). However, it responds well to PGR applications to reduce height and lodging risk.

SY INSITOR produces large numbers of erect tillers. It has good tiller survival over winter and can carry these through the season to deliver outstanding yields. Its early development and speed to GS30 means nitrogen timing is key to feed the rapid early growth.
• Excellent resistance to major diseases
• Septoria tritici = 6.6
• Yellow rust = 7
• The main disease to watch out for is brown rust. An application of ELATUS™ Era will help keep this disease at bay
• SY INSITOR has the highest combination of Septoria tritici resistance and treated yield of any of the hard Group 4 varieties
JOINT HIGHEST yielding variety on the Recommended List
HIGHEST yielding hard Group 4 variety HIGHEST yielding variety in the North and West
HIGHEST yielding hard Group 4 in the East
HIGHEST yielding variety on light soils
HIGHEST yielding variety when late sown
JOINT HIGHEST yielding variety as a 1st cereal
Read the full summer and autumn guide here.