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As oilseed rape continues to fight for its place in the rotation, improved genetics may encourage growers to be more confident in how it could perform. CPM reviews Dekalb’s latest TuYV resistant variety, DK Excited. Growers want to buy assurance. By Charlotte Cunningham AHDB’s Recommended List has been the long-standing ‘go-to’ for cereals and oilseed rape growers. However, a variety’s recognition on the list and its performance in the field are not always mutually exclusive. Matthew Clarke says that Excited is the next step up in Dekalb’s OSR breeding programme. In fact, in the OSR market, some of the best-selling varieties have never appeared on the RL, and hoping to follow suit is the latest offering from the Dekalb stable, DK Excited – one of two new hybrids with turnip yellows virus (TuYV) resistance. “The decision to enter a variety into the RL has to be made at quite an early stage. The reality is that we’ve got a broad European portfolio of varieties and not all can be entered into every national trial set at the same time,” explains breeder, Matthew Clarke. “By the time we realised how good DK Excited was for the UK, it was…
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