Currently based in Stamford / Lincolnshire and can travel - looking for any type of farm work part time or full time,
Previous experience with harvesting beans, peas, wheat and oats, helping maintain heavy machinery, scientific readings (Soil sampling, disease scoring, chlorophyll tests) with limited tractor experience,
Eager to work any extra hours and a quick learner would be able to stay in accommodation if offered.
Happy to send over CV and reference letter with contact information,
Thank you.
Email - [email protected]
Previous experience with harvesting beans, peas, wheat and oats, helping maintain heavy machinery, scientific readings (Soil sampling, disease scoring, chlorophyll tests) with limited tractor experience,
Eager to work any extra hours and a quick learner would be able to stay in accommodation if offered.
Happy to send over CV and reference letter with contact information,
Thank you.
Email - [email protected]