Hi Guys,
My second post on the site with my newly acquired tractor. looking for some pointers following an engine rebuild and engine starting issues.
I have dispensed with the old style glow plugs and installed 12V ones. I have bled fuel firstly to bottom bleeder on CAV pump (fuel gushes out when screw is open), then undone all the 3/4" unions on the injectors themselves (fuel squirts repeatedly on all injectors when attempting start up), so this all looks good.
I get smoke, and progressively more smoke when cranking, but after say a good 30 seconds of cranking, engine fires up BUT immediately cuts outs. No re-start right away but after a while it will fire again but immediately cut out.
How about a 1,2,3 on what to check next from the experts, please.
Other points to note. I am happy timing wheels are all matching. The mark on the CAV pump mounting aligns with the bottom of the 2 lines on the engine casing. I cannot seem to move this easily (in neutral) as seems very tight. Is it likely this matters, as long as the pump line is somewhere between the 2 engine case lines? Also new lift pump just installed.
My second post on the site with my newly acquired tractor. looking for some pointers following an engine rebuild and engine starting issues.
I have dispensed with the old style glow plugs and installed 12V ones. I have bled fuel firstly to bottom bleeder on CAV pump (fuel gushes out when screw is open), then undone all the 3/4" unions on the injectors themselves (fuel squirts repeatedly on all injectors when attempting start up), so this all looks good.
I get smoke, and progressively more smoke when cranking, but after say a good 30 seconds of cranking, engine fires up BUT immediately cuts outs. No re-start right away but after a while it will fire again but immediately cut out.
How about a 1,2,3 on what to check next from the experts, please.
Other points to note. I am happy timing wheels are all matching. The mark on the CAV pump mounting aligns with the bottom of the 2 lines on the engine casing. I cannot seem to move this easily (in neutral) as seems very tight. Is it likely this matters, as long as the pump line is somewhere between the 2 engine case lines? Also new lift pump just installed.