5 years we talked about building a new parlour. So me and my dad sat down and come up with are own ideas on where to put it. After a few fall out it was clear that it was only ever going to be built in one place and my idea wasn’t going to happen. After agreeing that it was just easier to say yes to his plans to get it built we come to a stand still for 4 years for some reason. After have friends and different rep have all said that my idea was best we got a farm advisor in to try and clear it up. We didn’t tell him are plans and let him walk around the farm on his own. He come back a few hours later with more or less the same plan as me. Which didn’t go down well. He was then marched across the yard and told over and over again my dads plan which he disagreed with. He now hasn’t spoken for 6 days. Is it time to just plough on with my plan, let him build it his way or just forget it and use the old parlour till it won’t milk anymore.