This report
was on Radio 2 news at both 8am & 8.30am but dropped by 9am onwards.
When the report was mentioned, it was stated that in order for UK to be "carbon neutral by 2050" we needed to stop flying and cut out red meat & dairy consumption (although the report does not say this).
Now after my waters had stopped boiling, I realised that it was headlines on the radio at those times because whomever puts the bulletins together knows that kids are being taken to school then and it's likely that the parent may have R2 on.
To put such a bias slant on is wrong but reflects the times we live in
was on Radio 2 news at both 8am & 8.30am but dropped by 9am onwards.
When the report was mentioned, it was stated that in order for UK to be "carbon neutral by 2050" we needed to stop flying and cut out red meat & dairy consumption (although the report does not say this).
Now after my waters had stopped boiling, I realised that it was headlines on the radio at those times because whomever puts the bulletins together knows that kids are being taken to school then and it's likely that the parent may have R2 on.
To put such a bias slant on is wrong but reflects the times we live in