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Download PDF For many oilseed rape growers, vigorous growth to stay one step ahead of cabbage stem flea beetle comes squarely at the top of their list of requirements. CPM seeks a steer on which varieties will deliver this. This variety hits the ground growing and it’s super vigorous. By Tom Allen-Stevens When CPM published its first Variety Labs in June 2013, asking an industry expert to pick their top six oilseed rape varieties, the key consideration was whether it was a hybrid or conventional type. Speed of development got a down-page mention and few growers even considered cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB). How times have changed. Priorities have too – for many growers, it’s not so much a question of how much the crop will fill the combine header as whether it’ll actually ever reach it. Breeders are keenly conscious of this perilous state of the nation’s OSR crop and have been busting a gut to bring you beetle-beating, virus-thwarting varieties that will zing out of the ground and ensure you were thankful you stuck with this much maligned crop. So which ones have the best prospects of doing exactly that? CPM asked Openfield’s Lee Bennett to pick…
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