Question for those in agriculture who work outside during winter(that excludes cosy cab tractor drivers)


Ordinary trousers, shirt and jumper with boiler suit and fleece type jacket or waistcoat on top. Hat.
Mrs W bought me a silk vest recently. I thought it was a bit Herman Goring but it helps a bit as it’s another layer, doesn’t restrict movement, is low friction etc. I never take it off.
I actually get colder at night in bed than when I am up and about. Bedroom unheated, soon be down to about 5 deg c, but heat does my sinuses and trying to heat 2 foot thick damp sandstone just pees money away. Two duvets on.
Electric blanket on lowest setting.
Had 3 winters in a static with just one duvet, never cold in bed. You can always turn it up or off as you like.
You really should try one.

Dry Rot

Livestock Farmer
It's colder this time of year because it's at or above freezing and the air is moist. Moist air transmits heat better than dry air. When it's properly below zero, it feels warmer. Strange but true.

Wet weather gear from Gaelforce Inverness. If it's good enough for trawler men and oil workers in the North Sea, it'll work in the Highlands. More expensive but it'll also last longer.


Livestock Farmer
East Sussex
Polo shirt, wind proof zip up fleece and swanndri on the top. Jeans (wranglers are kind of stretchy) with some flexothane legs over if really chilly. Always have two pairs of wellies on the go so can change into warm ones at lunch...... anyone who puts my wellies outside gets the silent treatment for a few days. Anyhow, the dog cleans them up if left indoors.
T-shirt, sweatshirt, jeans, overalls, body warmer, and shed layers as the day warms up or jobs get more physical.
If I wear any more it's too much.
I put on waterproofs and gloves if going on the bike for any length of time.

If standing about at a sale etc. I'll add an extra layer or two.

Wood field

Livestock Farmer
Cotton polo or long sleeve shirt with either a craghoppers body warmer / gilet thingy , or a craghoppers fleece jumper, wrangler jeans
Merino wool socks ( Costco is your friend)
If it’s really cold or wet replace gilet or jumper with ridgeline ( or hoggs depending which is dry) smock and guy Cotten bib and brace
Gets sweaty when walking the moor or working in pens with the sheep


Mixed Farmer
J11 M40
Polo shirt, wind proof zip up fleece and swanndri on the top. Jeans (wranglers are kind of stretchy) with some flexothane legs over if really chilly. Always have two pairs of wellies on the go so can change into warm ones at lunch...... anyone who puts my wellies outside gets the silent treatment for a few days. Anyhow, the dog cleans them up if left indoors.
Don't mind the cleaning up, but our pup needs to learn when to stop..
Several layers, starting with thermal long johns/ tee shirt, jeans/shirt, fleece, overalls, woolly hat etc. I find keeping your feet dry and your head warm (got a balding problem) vital. Sealskinz socks are brilliant.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 119 38.6%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.3%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 243
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...