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Download PDF For years, growers have been on the backfoot with septoria control, fighting a pathogen that’s grown in strength as its population has evolved. CPM gathers the intelligence to give growers a credible advantage against their foe. Septoria is a pathogen that will continually seek to out-manoeuvre growers. By Tom Allen-Stevens In 2016, AHDB fungicide performance monitoring began to pick up a worrying change. The flagship products growers and agronomists rely on for managing Septoria tritici were showing a notable drop-off in performance. Ever since the new generation SDHIs had been introduced there had been warnings that resistance was inevitable, and the monitoring work had already tracked the decline of azole efficacy. But no one was sure how soon the performance of newer chemistry would be affected, nor how quickly it would tumble. Jonathan Blake in unclear on how much growers can rely on the current chemistry and wheat genetics to keep deliver an effective defence against septoria. “There was a distinct shift in sensitivity in the septoria population, reflected in the performance of the main SDHI/azole fungicides over two years,” notes Jonathan Blake of ADAS. “Over the past two years, however, field efficacy within the fungicide performance trials…
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