Silage crops

We are always short of silage here we’ve had to buy in as long as I can remember and further back from there. How’s things looking crop wise? Looking canny here. Will there be plenty about??


Mixed Farmer
First cut was our best ever and are about to do second cut in the next week - 10 days. Second cut looks decent quantity wise but began going to head a few weeks ago as it didn't rain till 3 weeks after first cut was cut so wont be the best quality. After feeding straw for 3 months last year which cost a fortune i'll take some poorer quality silage over not enough anyday of the week!


Biggest crop we've ever had on farm. 15 bales to the acre average and my bale stack is full just from first cut. Granted we couldn't get that off as early as I wanted as was bad wet start of the month. Second cut looks promising already as ground has freshened up massively and new seedlings are looking fantastic.

Really going to struggle to stor fodder this year, that's never been a problem here before


Livestock Farmer
80+ acres put down yesterday and today ready for baling starting tomorrow.

Very heavy looking crop off the mowers but brother is already looking to do a 2nd cut, because we ran out through the winter.

We will know where we are by Saturday tea time.
Fodder beets and kale/turnips have been very slow it’s never been as warm as the week we plowed it all in a month back :rolleyes: this afternoons been better but I’ve had my boilersuit back on a few mornings this last week

Go 5 miles down the road and everything looks lots better :LOL:
Fodder beets and kale/turnips have been very slow it’s never been as warm as the week we plowed it all in a month back :rolleyes: this afternoons been better but I’ve had my boilersuit back on a few mornings this last week

Go 5 miles down the road and everything looks lots better :LOL:
We have a lot of high allotment ground and it’s just started growing this last week or so. A lot on here won’t believe it
I've got plenty if you need any. Bales or pit. Be cheap this year, crops are massive. Hay might be dear though if the weather doesn't alter soon.

If you don't sell the farm you will end up buying some strong feeding cattle to eat it I can see @had e nuff !

Thousands of acres of hay down on the ground in the SW today.

Silage yields are very high thou most of it is at best suckler cow grade stuff and no good for growing/ finishing cattle.

had e nuff

If you don't sell the farm you will end up buying some strong feeding cattle to eat it I can see @had e nuff !

Thousands of acres of hay down on the ground in the SW today.

Silage yields are very high thou most of it is at best suckler cow grade stuff and no good for growing/ finishing cattle.
Be cheaper to give the silage away than buy cattle to lose money on lol

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