Got a small farm in Devon so land is not flat in the slightest. At the moment we are just running an old IH 454 with a front loader but looking for something a bit bigger and 4wd. Currently moving silage on a rear bale handler. Main uses would be moving straw and silage around for Feeding and bedding in the winter.
Current options we are looking at is an old JCB loadall, a small ish loader tractor or a skid loader.
Loader tractor would be handy in the summer for odd bits of field work but not essential.
Downside of skid steers I’m told they’re not particularly stable on hills?
I’m just curious to hear anyone else’s thoughts on what may be suitable? Particular things to look out for/avoid?
Any and all advice will be welcomed!
Current options we are looking at is an old JCB loadall, a small ish loader tractor or a skid loader.
Loader tractor would be handy in the summer for odd bits of field work but not essential.
Downside of skid steers I’m told they’re not particularly stable on hills?
I’m just curious to hear anyone else’s thoughts on what may be suitable? Particular things to look out for/avoid?
Any and all advice will be welcomed!