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Download PDF The new BBRO/BSPB Recommended List has something for everyone but the star of the show may have it all in one package. CPM looks at what’s on offer. BTS 1915 is something quite special. By Lucy de la Pasture Sugar beet is a crop with one of the highest variety turnovers, if their passage through the BBRO/BSPB Recommended List (RL) is anything to go by. The longest serving variety, Sabatina KWS, was added in 2015 and 14 of the 22 listed varieties are newcomers in just the past two years. It’s credited as a reflection of the tremendous progress being made by sugar beet breeders. The new RL, announced earlier this year in March, boasts seven new sugar beet varieties for the 2021 season and includes those with traits for BCN tolerance and ALS-herbicide tolerance. One of its new entrants stands out because it moves yield potential up a bar and manages to combine this with a pretty robust-looking disease-resistance package. Five of the seven new varieties come from the KWS stable, but the breeder has recently decided not to offer two of them to growers, explains Ben Bishop, UK country manager for sugar beet. “We are pleased…
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