Phew, I knew there had to be a reason for applying glyphosate, glad that is cleared up, thanks Rothamsted:
Trade-offs constrain the success of glyphosate-free farming
H. Metcalfe, J. Storkey, R. Hull, J. M. Bullock, A. Whitmore, R. T. Sharp & A. E. Milne
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 8001 (2024)
We model the impacts of discontinuing glyphosate use and replacing it with cultural control methods. We simulate winter wheat arable systems reliant on glyphosate and typical in northwest Europe. Removing glyphosate was projected to increase weed abundance, herbicide risk to the environment, and arable plant diversity and decrease food production. Stale seedbed techniques such as delayed drilling and choosing ploughing instead of minimum tillage had varying effects on weed abundance, food production, and profitability. Ploughing was the most effective alternative to glyphosate for long-term weed control while maintaining production and profit. Our findings emphasize the need for careful consideration of trade-offs arising in scenarios where glyphosate is removed.Trade-offs constrain the success of glyphosate-free farming
H. Metcalfe, J. Storkey, R. Hull, J. M. Bullock, A. Whitmore, R. T. Sharp & A. E. Milne
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 8001 (2024)