It will be fascinating to see if the Nmin values are greater after winter beans than after spring beans.
This is our first year growing winter beans, we have grown spring beans for a long time. We farm organically, so we have weed & insect pressure.
So far, winter beans look a much, much better option:
- Limited Sitona leaf notching damage. As the Sitona weevil also lays its eggs which wash down to the roots where the larvae eat the N fixing nodules, this could have a big impact on the Nmin
- Drill winter beans at a much lower seed rate as they tiller, which make establishing cheaper
- Winter beans keep the ground covered over the winter so no need for a cover crop
- Alot of our weeds are more spring germinating, by which point the winter beans are well established
This is our first year growing winter beans, we have grown spring beans for a long time. We farm organically, so we have weed & insect pressure.
So far, winter beans look a much, much better option:
- Limited Sitona leaf notching damage. As the Sitona weevil also lays its eggs which wash down to the roots where the larvae eat the N fixing nodules, this could have a big impact on the Nmin
- Drill winter beans at a much lower seed rate as they tiller, which make establishing cheaper
- Winter beans keep the ground covered over the winter so no need for a cover crop
- Alot of our weeds are more spring germinating, by which point the winter beans are well established