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  1. CPM RSS

    OSR weeds: A CCase of control

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With talk circulating of a severely low planted area of oilseed rape going into autumn, industry experts are highlighting why it’s a vital break crop – namely, the opportunity it provides for grassweed control. As such, CPM looks closer at...
  2. Corteva Updates

    Oilseed rape establishment and weed control

    Successful establishment of oilseed rape and achieving good levels of weed control are key components to achieving high yields. It is essential to manage your oilseed rape crop to gain the maximum benefit from the crop including yield. Effective autumn weed control is an integral part of...
  3. D


    What's the best way to incorporate a crop and when should I be doing it ? Looking to follow with wheat
  4. Brisel

    OSR drilling

    Has anyone started speculative osr drilling yet? 50 seeds/2 Acacia home saved seed going into barley stubbles after 22 t/ha FYM and a spinkle of DAP to top up the available N.
  5. Corteva Updates

    Oilseed rape planning “essential” to unlocking crop potential as drilling approaches

    planned approach to oilseed rape establishment this summer will help growers maximise their chances of seeing the full benefit of the crop. Corteva Agriscience says attention to detail on variety choice, drill dates and weed control programmes all contribute significantly to growing rape that...
  6. PSQ

    Any solution to Cow Parsley in OSR?

    Cow parsley is creeping into certain areas of the farm. It can seemingly be controlled reasonably well with SU's in wheat, but Its the OSR stage of the rotation thats letting the area it covers expand, and Astrokerb or Belkar don't seem to touch it, neither has a test with Korvetto (Arylex...
  7. CPM RSS

    OSR weed control: Smooth operator

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF A difficult season for herbicide application is likely to have resulted in an unwanted bounty of weeds in oilseed rape crops. With the final window having arrived for mastering some control, CPM digs deeper into the role of water...
  8. R

    Longevity of autumn residuals

    We applied avadex and generic liberator at full rate during the first ten days of October, due to rain most days since the crop isn't worth keeping, we want to put some grass in some bits and possibly some of the sfi options, obviously neither probably going to get drilled till beginning of...
  9. Chezza

    Charlock control in OSR

    Got a block of OSR that unfortunately has charlock in it which came in the seed:(. I’ve got some Fox to put on to take it out which I was planning on putting on tomorrow as due to be. -4 tonight, then -3 tomorrow night. Just wondering though how cold it needs to get down to for frosts to kill it...
  10. snipe

    What % of winter crops not planted or destroyed

    What % of your intended winter crop have not been planted or damaged by flood/slugs/ flee Beatle?
  11. CPM RSS

    Weed control: Companion conservation

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Is it possible to successfully companion crop oilseed rape to help control cabbage stem flea beetle and claim SFI payments, while keeping weeds firmly under control? CPM investigates. By Janine Adamson Planting a companion crop...
  12. Zippy768

    Osr and Parsley Piert

    Loads of Parsley piert covering the ground of the osr. Would prefer to just go in with Astrokerb in a while but has no information on control of Piert. Being suggested to use Belkar now, but that will just add another cost. Will likely go in with Kerb regardless. Anybody had experience of the...
  13. Corteva Updates

    Corteva 2023 OSR Survey results and findings

    Corteva 2023 OSR Survey results and findings Growers have indicated a preference for longer rotations and a stronger focus on either early drilling, or a flexible approach which prioritises sowing seeds into moist soils wherever possible. Corteva Agriscience’s survey received 250 replies and...
  14. CPM RSS

    OSR survey indicates importance of drilling practices

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine A survey of UK farmers, contractors and agronomists has shown resilience among oilseed rape growers, as risk management strategies continue to evolve. During the survey, which was conducted by Corteva Agriscience, growers indicated a preference for...
  15. M

    Belkar in OSR for fat hen/small nettle? 🤔

    Hello Bit of a newbie when it comes to growing rape, it's a bit up and down this year in places and the fat hen and nettle has taken advantage of the smaller crop. Have attached some pictures and interested to hear opinions as to spray or not, I'm inclined not to at the price of £60/ha...
  16. Corteva Updates

    Autumn weed control in oilseed rape

    Harvest is underway, as is some oilseed rape drilling. With a lot of rain around, conditions should be good to get oilseed rape established. Despite continued challenges growing oilseed rape, it remains a strong break crop option, giving the opportunity to control blackgrass with another mode...
  17. B

    OSR this year ?

    So is Osr still part of your plan, with some decent rain around conditions good. Is osr worthwhile, bit weary of slugs and csb...
  18. W

    Clearfield OSR

    Hi. Is anyone planning to grow a Clearfield variety of OSR this autumn?
  19. casemx 270

    OSR frost kill

    Got quite a bit of frost kill on winter OSR . There is new growth appearing from just above the soil will this new growth actually make a crop ? The whole crop had N and sulphur two weeks ago and the good plants are growing rapidly . Thanks
  20. CPM RSS

    Farmers urged to act early against spring-emerging weeds in OSR crops

    Written by Charlotte Cunningham from CPM Magazine Although autumn herbicide programmes are working well in most oilseed rape crops, reports of spring-emerging weeds means growers may need to keep a close eye on crops and take decisive action. Many crops with dense canopies are offering good...