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cover crops

  1. ajd132

    Summer Cover Crops

    What is everyone thinking on this? I have winter triticale for AD being foraged in June, so was always planning to do a summer cover crop with legumes infront of the following wheat. There is now talk of SFI payments for this scenario which is another bonus. My initial thoughts were something...
  2. Corteva Updates

    Broad-leaved weed control in cereal crops in a difficult season

    Now that the weather conditions have improved and spring cereals are emerging, growers face the challenge of a large backlog of on farm activities. Getting on top of competitive broad-leaved weeds early should be a priority for growers in the coming weeks. Cold fluctuating temperatures mean...
  3. Direct Driller Magazine

    Covering Soils - Scotland - Hosted by Neil White - 22nd May 2024

    A first event in Scotland. At our Farmer Focus writer Neil White's farm in Scotland. Register for tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/covering-soils-scotland-hosted-by-neil-white-tickets-888349095057 Date and time Wed, 22 May 2024 10:00 - 15:30 BST Location Greenknowe Farm Cottages, Duns...
  4. whindy

    Who's bottled it ?

    How many dd guys have gone cultivating? Out next door neighbours practices a full range of cultivating and has 95% crop cover after a hard winter we dd a majority of ours and a currently re drilling 50% .cultivating a fair bit as the top is solid from rain. Any one else feal like abandoning...
  5. R

    Summer Fallow/Cover crop following cruiser treated sugar beet

    Hi, Does anyone have any advice for potential cover crops following beet treated with cruiser. Obviously anything flowering is restricted to 36 months, so from whats available, what will do the best job in terms of cover and rooting. It is not a big area, but messed up whilst lifting beet too...
  6. F

    Maize 24

    Frost on the ground in parts this morning and we have 45 acres of maize going in today. I'll let you know in a fortnight wether it was the right call. Hope to get a photo up later.
  7. som farmer

    where do farmers think farming will be, in 5 years time

    some pretty generous grants about, all seemingly based on reducing out put. we know from sheep and cattle prices, numbers are short, if they were not, prices wouldn't be where they are. the world is getting more dangerous by the day. And yet, politicians here, from all parties, think we can...
  8. Direct Driller Magazine

    Direct Driller at Cereals 2024

    Direct Driller Magazine will be hosting their very own event at Cereals on 11 & 12 June 2024. Tickets to the show include entry to Cereals Event, Direct Driller conferences, extra hospitality overlooking drill arena demonstrations with big farming brands and VIP extras, including easy access...
  9. News

    AMAZONE to showcase a range of new kit at CEREALS 2024

    AMAZONE Ltd will again take the opportunity at Cereals 2024 to showcase kit that reflects the shifting trends in crop establishment. These shifting trends are also supported by government help through the SFI and grants available through the Farming Equipment Technology Fund. The Condor 12001-C...
  10. CPM RSS

    Clubroot: Mitigating migrations

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With wet weather and flooding commonplace during the past few months, clubroot zoospores are at high risk of migration. CPM looks at the importance of crop husbandry and on-farm hygiene in preventing the spread of the disease and how this...
  11. Agriland RSS

    ‘Winter crop development is still progressing’ – CAFRE

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprises (CAFRE) crops specialist, Leigh McClean highlighted a number of priorities for arable farmers in Northern Ireland. His advice reflects the prospects of high pressure building and the weather improving...
  12. CPM RSS

    Cover crops: Cover crop rewards

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF The right cover crop mix can help improve nutrient management and provide an environmentally-friendly alternative to chemical pest control. CPM speaks to two growers who are making the most of Severn Trent’s funding scheme. By Rob Jones...
  13. CPM RSS

    Clubroot: Mitigating migrations

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With wet weather and flooding commonplace during the past few months, clubroot zoospores are at high risk of migration. CPM looks at the importance of crop husbandry and on-farm hygiene in preventing the spread of the disease and how this...
  14. CPM RSS

    Spring barley: Ready for a shake-up

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF New malting barley varieties capable of producing more litres of alcohol per hectare could not only reduce the carbon footprint of beer and spirit production, but they could also deliver significant benefits for growers. CPM finds out...
  15. CPM RSS

    Potato agronomy: Weeding out concerns

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF A tricky start to planting plus the potential of growers managing unfamiliar varieties due to short seed supplies means weed control could require some careful planning. CPM explores herbicide timings and programme choices for the season...
  16. CPM RSS

    Sugar beet: When opportunity knocks

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With grassweed pressures rumbling on, one way to achieve sufficient control is by taking advantage of sugar beet in the rotation, even if there’s a limited armoury of effective herbicides. CPM finds out more. By Janine Adamson and Rob...
  17. CPM RSS

    Potato soil pest threat

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine Growers are being warned that wet soils over the winter and spring could increase the risk of wireworm damage in potato crops this season. Research has identified high soil moisture as a precursor for pest activity, with wet areas and flood plains...
  18. Wigeon

    Design me the perfect cultivator

    I've never got this right. My criteria are: Must be 4m min and pulled by 265hp. Minimal moving parts & bearings Must have reasonably priced tungsten wearing metal. Needs to be able to work hilly heavy land to say 8 inches max, with both lift and mix. Must also be able to work shallow and quick...
  19. ajd132

    Front tank to trailer cultivator

    Looking at using a front mounted seed tank to blow seed to the back of a trailer cultivator (carrier). Has anyone done something like this before? The fact it’s trailed may cause some issues with the pivot point? Plan on using the same front tank with a combination drill and other stuff so would...
  20. Agriland RSS

    Research reveals potential impact of ban on glyphosate

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland A ban on glyphosate could lead to an increase in weed abundance and a decrease in the yields of some crops, according to a new modelling study carried out at Rothamsted Research. Although the environmental risks associated with this herbicide would be...