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  1. bobk

    Farming sucks .

    Feel better now . worst year in my 40 years doing this job , drip drip rather than one deluge
  2. T

    Confused about ELMS - will it match CAP subsidies for arable farmers?

    I'm a student researching post-Brexit agricultural subsidy schemes and am particularly interested in arable farming. From what I understand it is not possible to make the same amount through ELMS as was previously being paid under the CAP. I can't find any sources for this though, so is this...
  3. F

    HRW2 - SFI Hedgerow Management.

    Neighbour wants to enter our boundary hedge into a HRW2 scheme which means they will probably only be cutting it once every 2 or 3 years. To be honest they never cut the top anyway. I always do it from my side. But if they enter it into the rotation cutting scheme what's to stop me from still...
  4. Jackov Altraids

    Surviving or Thriving? Farms

    Interesting program on Radio 4 this afternoon; https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001pm37 I appreciate it may be the way it is edited, but Minette Batters seems awfully concerned that food must be affordable without mentioning how.
  5. Pilatus

    Do stewardship payments etc set a base rent tenant farmers can pay?

    I ask as land agents know that tenants can get “x” amount if they put their tenanted farm into “y” scheme. Not good🤦🏻
  6. N

    A Non-Farmer asks ...

    Greetings hivemind - why can't farmers wait until January to cut their hedgerows? cutting in august / september removes a lot of fruit 'n' nuts which would be good for wildlife, no? But I think a big reason is in January the ground can be too wet, and big machines will damage the grass / soil...
  7. Hughesy

    Red clover silage

    Finally managed to cut our new red clover rye grass ley today. Just wondering if anyone has any tips on making a good job of it. It’s going to be put into round bales. Is there any difference to straight grass silage. TIA.
  8. Barleymow

    Do the public all think this?

    Was chatting to someone in the village about the weather, said possible looking at loosing money due to losses if milling premium losses. He said well you'll get money off the government for that
  9. G

    Sfi versus crop

    Just jotted some rough figures down i could be miles out please discuss
  10. Davy_g

    Establishing clover in grassland

    Morning everyone. Could I have some suggestions for establishing clover (white and or red) in mature grassland. I'm looking for alternative methods what don't cost much. I could graze it tight and drill it but timing, cost and weather really are big factors as I wouldn't have more than one...
  11. Scrambler

    Regenerative farming potatoes?

    McCain tv advert says their farmers are growing potatoes using regenerative farming methods. Is that possible?
  12. steveR

    Westerwold advice?

    I didn't want to hijack the current thread on a similoiar topic. I am going to have 10-12ha of S Oat stubble that is earmarked for Bumblebird mix next Spring. (Not CS or SFI) In the past I have been very happy to drill some of the "spring sown) mix in the Autumn and have an early start on some...
  13. SilliamWhale

    Net Zero - its over.

    It was obvious it was always going to be ridiculous but we've reached the point now where it is being mocked. I'm sure we will evolve away from fossil fuels in due course, but net zero is dead. Good thing too because whether you are a climate change acolyte or not, as a policy it was absolutely...
  14. TFF

    Government publishes action plan to support climate change adaption in agriculture

    The UK Government published their latest climate adaptation plan on 17 July 2023. The Third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3) sets out the actions that Government will take over the next five years to build resilience to the impacts of climate change across UK industries and communities...
  15. GOV.UK RSS

    What we have achieved at agricultural shows this summer

    What we have achieved at agricultural shows this summer Written by defrablogs Agricultural shows are the highlight of farming calendars across the country. Since May, Defra ministers have travelled to 16 different shows in every nation and region of the UK , speaking to farmers and land...
  16. TFF

    Building resilience to risk in the stretch zone

    Reducing risk and building resilience are two of the strategies being deployed by farmer Andrew Pitts to respond to the environmental and geopolitical challenges that the last five years have presented the agricultural industry. Andrew will be part of the Farmer Panel at Agri-TechE’s 2023 REAP...
  17. TFF

    Agricultural policies off-track to meet UK net zero target 2023-07-22

    The latest assessment of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions in the UK finds that emission reductions have plateaued across sectors and total GHG emissions have increased (by 1%) from 2021. The report, published by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) 28 June 2023, also found that progress...
  18. CPM RSS

    Farmers Club Conference: The truth of the matter

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Twenty first century farming is a delicate balance between profit-making, food production and protecting the environment. CPM attended a British Crop Production Council seminar to hear how the industry plans to overcome the challenges...
  19. D

    The Right Policy

    @Jackov Altraids I hope you don’t mind me quoting you here to start this thread but your reply above in the vertical farming thread struck me as absolutely spot on at describing what’s presently wrong with policy and what the government should be doing about it. The right policy would for...
  20. Bald Rick

    Nutrient Neutrality

    No wonder this country is going to the dogs … I see that a report by Lichfields, a planning & development consultancy, has estimated that 400,000 acres of farmland would have to be taken out of production to offset 120,000 new house builds (3.3ac/house) in order to meet NE “Nutrient Neutrality”...