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  1. CPM RSS

    Winter linseed trials: Survival of the fittest

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Trials suggest that when managed correctly, winter linseed has the potential to thrive even in Scotland’s challenging climate, achieving some of the highest trial yields in Europe. CPM reviews the findings. By Janine Adamson Even as...
  2. SilliamWhale

    Why is oilseed rape so crap?

    Expensive seed bought, royalties paid, had a bit of a babying etc and yet it's pretty crap. I honestly think what you spend on it makes not much difference Yields are lower than 20 years ago. The ground hasn't had excessive brassicas. Yes the season wasn't great but wheat doesn't seem to...
  3. CPM RSS

    Omnia EasyPlan: The future is easy

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Hutchinsons’ has made a substantial investment in its digital offering to provide an all-in-one farm management system which promises to deliver the goods for UK agriculture. CPM headed to London to hear more about the Omnia EasyPlan...
  4. D

    Stubble turnips

    What are people charging for grazing stubble turnips an acre this year ?
  5. Zippy768

    Much Astrokerb still to apply?

    Just trying to make myself feel better. Much of it still to do? Weather looks suitable for tomorrow, unsure ground is, and short on time myself
  6. CPM RSS

    Weed control: Companion conservation

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Is it possible to successfully companion crop oilseed rape to help control cabbage stem flea beetle and claim SFI payments, while keeping weeds firmly under control? CPM investigates. By Janine Adamson Planting a companion crop...
  7. B

    OSR this year ?

    So is Osr still part of your plan, with some decent rain around conditions good. Is osr worthwhile, bit weary of slugs and csb...
  8. Clive

    Oilseed Rape 2024

    Simple question really, do you plan to grow more, less or the same area of this risky crop ? If less why ? price, csfb, slugs or other reason
  9. Wigeon

    Spring linseed and tolerance to rolling...

    Odd-ball one this, but any views on the above? Basically I have a lot of linseed to go in, and blw control is not great having lost Bromoxonil. I have a big set of comb harrows, which might do a job once the linseed is big enough to stand it. I also have a lot of flints, which obviously the...
  10. CPM RSS

    Bigger worries than weeds

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Moisture has been the defining difference between healthy and forward oilseed rape crops and others falling foul of cabbage stem flea beetle. CPM looks at how weed management should be tailored to crop growth this autumn. By Melanie...
  11. TFF

    BASF launch data-driven water stewardship tool 2022-07-22

    BASF promote wHen2gO for 2020 season – a smart tool that connects data to improve water stewardship when applying quinmerac and metazachlor. ‍ BASF wanted to further reduce the potential of actives – the chemical ingredients in crop protection products – unintentionally entering waterways. ‍...
  12. Agrovista News

    Trial investigates cultural control of flea beetle

    Trial investigates cultural control of flea beetle Minimising cabbage stem flea beetle damage in oilseed rape using cultural control methods is being investigated in a series of field trials by Agrovista. The work at Draughton, a neighbouring site to Agrovista’s Project Lamport, aims to...
  13. Agrovista News

    Trial investigates cultural control of flea beetle

    Trial investigates cultural control of flea beetle Minimising cabbage stem flea beetle damage in oilseed rape using cultural control methods is being investigated in a series of field trials by Agrovista. The work at Draughton, a neighbouring site to Agrovista’s Project Lamport, aims to...
  14. Agrovista News

    Trial investigates cultural control of flea beetle

    Trial investigates cultural control of flea beetle Minimising cabbage stem flea beetle damage in oilseed rape using cultural control methods is being investigated in a series of field trials by Agrovista. The work at Draughton, a neighbouring site to Agrovista’s Project Lamport, aims to...
  15. Ed @ Farmdeals

    Farmdeals is the buying group for all farmers

    We have started a buying group for TFF members and readers so we can group together and get deals. It does not matter if you are in another buying group already - this one is free to join and has zero commitments. If the traditional buying groups were too expensive or restrictive for the way...
  16. Ed @ Farmdeals

    500g Metazachlor deal added to Farmdeals

    We have added the herbicide Makila (500g Metazachlor) which come in 10 ltr cans to Farmdeals today. The price is £102.00 per 10l delivered and is available to mainland UK. For use on brussels sprout, oilseed rape - OSR Click here to sign is or register -...
  17. N

    fodder beet for ewes and lambs

    Hi all. This may be a stupid question but if you don't ask.......! We have a small but expanding lleyn ewe flock. For several years we have bought in fodder beet to feed ad-lib to the ewes 4/5 weeks before lambing to coincide with max lamb growth. We have also grown stubble turnips of...
  18. David.

    Spring linseed advice please.

    May end up with some this year, what variety stands/combines easily, etc? Imagine yield percentage is secondary to other factors perhaps, has linseed moved on any in 10yrs since I last had a fairly unsatisfying attempt at it?
  19. DRC


    I had an email today, informing me how many points I need to get in the next 12 months. Considering we’ve been in the pandemic since March, and some of us have also been shielding, with no events, field trials or even close contact with agronomists . Don’t you think they would’ve rolled things...
  20. yellow belly

    regular use of kerb and crawler

    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0038071700002194 repeated use of kerb and crawler conditions the soil to break it down quicker is this a possible reason wheat rape rotation leads to more black grass looking in to crawler use on winter linseed and came across this