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  1. Scrambler

    Regenerative farming potatoes?

    McCain tv advert says their farmers are growing potatoes using regenerative farming methods. Is that possible?
  2. IOW91

    Haymaking 2023

    I know it's very early still, but looks like my neighbour is making a bit of hay on a small field that he lets people camp on. Couple of others seem to be underway with haylage. I've just been and mowed 8 acres that is going to be haylage for a chap this evening. It will be at least 10...
  3. Agriland RSS

    M&S joins Armagh vegetable grower to boost pollinator activity

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland Marks and Spencer (M&S) has confirmed that it is now working with a Co. Armagh vegetable grower to help boost pollinating insect activity. Following a successful trial last year, M&S has announced an expansion of its partnership with agri-tech...
  4. CPM RSS

    Cereals Event: Technology – Endless possibilities

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Cereals is a show of many colours – it’s not just about seminars, seed breeders, ag-chem companies, or machinery manufacturers. Cereals is also about possibilities. CPM discovered what this means in terms of advancing technology and...
  5. CPM RSS

    Farmers Club Conference: The truth of the matter

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Twenty first century farming is a delicate balance between profit-making, food production and protecting the environment. CPM attended a British Crop Production Council seminar to hear how the industry plans to overcome the challenges...
  6. TFF

    Broads celebrates Farming in Protected Landscapes

    Over 5,000 farmers and land managers have benefited from the Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) programme, including over 50 here in the Broads National Park. The programme, now in its third year, has provided farmers across the UK’s National Parks and AONBs (Areas of Outstanding Natural...
  7. TFF

    Insect decline, food security and why bee keeping may be harmful to biodiversity. 2023-07-18

    Insect decline, food security and why bee keeping may be harmful to biodiversity. Philip C Stevenson, Joshua Muhumuza Insects play crucial roles for UK food security, including pollination and pest or weed control. However, there has been increasing published evidence of insect declines in the...
  8. TFF

    Fifty years of nurturing nature

    SFT CEO Patrick Holden and his wife Becky Holden farm 300 acres in West Wales and produce a raw milk cheddar called Hafod with the milk from their herd of Ayrshire cows. Here, Becky reflects on the thriving biodiversity on their hill farm and the interconnectedness of the farm and nature. This...
  9. TFF

    Ground-breaking technology to monitor biodiversity on-farm 24/7

    40% of insect species risk extinction, and a further 30% are endangered (New Scientist 2019), yet few farmers have the tools to actively monitor or quantify on-farm biodiversity, despite it being an important measure of ecosystem, landscape, overall biological health of the farm and key public...
  10. Janet Hughes Defra

    Sustainable farming incentive - handbook for 2023 has been published

    Afternoon all, Today we've published a handbook containing all the detailed information about the sustainable farming incentive offer for this year. The handbook is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sfi-handbook-for-the-sfi-2023-offer An overview blogpost is here...
  11. Clive

    Livestock SFI - what would you like to see ?

    So it’s clear from many other threads that SFI seemingly offers very little or nothing that’s attractive to livestock / grassland so what do you want ? Use this thread to outline your own livestock / grassland SFI standard that both delivers public goods and natural capital for tax payers...
  12. TFF

    Altering crop management practices to promote pollinators 2023-06-08

    Jose G. Franco, USDA ARS, USA; and Rachel E. Mallinger, University of Florida, USA Chapter synopsis: Agricultural intensification, or the increase in crop production per unit of input or land area to meet the needs of a growing population, has resulted in a landscape dominated by large scale...
  13. Clive

    Questions for Janet Hughes at Cereals next week

    I am on panel chaired by David Exwood next week at the cereals event speaking with Janet Hughes I have been asked to talk about my experience of Sfi pilot and Sfi so far .............. frankly I don't have a lot to say on that as it's been pretty straight forward other than issues around how...
  14. Clive

    Sfi and CSS area stacking

    Quick question (i think i know the answer but just sense checking) can you claim SFI on acres in Css rotational options ? for example say you have 100ac and 33ac goes into ab15 (legume mix 2yr) in year 1 and then another 33% going into the same in yr2 leaving just 33% actually producing a...
  15. TFF

    Pioneering nature projects launched to test carbon capture methods in fight against climate change  

    Six pioneering nature projects across England receive major funding award to trial the most effective ways to capture carbon and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Operating at a landscape scale of over 500 hectares each, the six projects will restore landscapes across England – from...
  16. CPM RSS

    Incentive for sustainable potato production

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine A new partnership promises to reduce the financial burden associated with the transition to sustainable potato production. The collaboration involves NatWest offering financial support to McCain potato farmers, in recognition of the upfront investment...
  17. TFF

    A Bumpy Ride: How Change Drives A Flagship Farm

    It’s a harvest day in early August at Elveden Farms. An early potato crop is being lifted. Onions are being laid on top of the soil for a few days before being taken in, a way to reduce drying costs and energy use. The main focus of this sizeable modern farm is root vegetables – potatoes...
  18. F

    Natural Grassland With High Clover Content

    Much of our grassland has a very high Clover content and is completely unfertilised and I was wondering if there are other areas of the country where similar systems operate. It does require a high level of grazing management to maintain these types of swards and two factors that help are that...
  19. puppet

    Scotland one of the poorest places on Earth for nature

    Scotland one of the poorest places on Earth for nature A statement from chief exec of Scotland,: The Big Picture who is attending the debate on reintroducing lynx in Scottish Parliament today. Has he been out of Scotland? Of course lynx, like all the raptors, are apex species which hoover up...
  20. TFF

    New hedgerow and grassland management guides for farmers

    New guidance includes advice on recognising and managing species-rich grasslands (photo by Apithanny Bourne) New videos and practical guides have been created for farmers to help wildlife, such as pollinating insects, thrive on farms. The Scottish Wildlife Trust and SAC Consulting, part of...