Mob Grazing Herbal Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (4-5 Years Grazing)
@ £4-85 Kg
12.50% PERUN Festulolium
20.00% ASTONKING Perennial Ryegrass Dip
7.50% COMER Timothy
10.00% SPARTA Cocksfoot
12.50% MERULA Red Clover
5.00% ALICE White Clover
2.50% MERWI White Clover
4.00% DAISY Lucerne
16.00% Common Vetch
2.50% TONIC Plantain
2.50% Sheeps Burnet
2.50% Sheeps Parsley
0.50% Yarrow
2.00% CHOICE Chicory
100% (12.50 kg per acre)
EF4 Pollen & Nectar Seed Mix (8kg per acre)
@ £4.37 kg
12.5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
25.0% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
17.5% Sheep's Fescue
20.0% Meadow Fescue
9.0% Red Clover
7.5% Common Sainfoin
5.0% Alsike Clover
3.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
100% (8 kg per acre)
Why Buy this product?
8kg per acre
@ £4-85 Kg
12.50% PERUN Festulolium
20.00% ASTONKING Perennial Ryegrass Dip
7.50% COMER Timothy
10.00% SPARTA Cocksfoot
12.50% MERULA Red Clover
5.00% ALICE White Clover
2.50% MERWI White Clover
4.00% DAISY Lucerne
16.00% Common Vetch
2.50% TONIC Plantain
2.50% Sheeps Burnet
2.50% Sheeps Parsley
0.50% Yarrow
2.00% CHOICE Chicory
100% (12.50 kg per acre)
- Diverse grass, legume and herb seed mix that creates a multi-functional sward
- Ideal tall grass grazing mixture, that armours the soil
- Deep rooted mixture capable of scavenging for micro-nutrients & moisture
- Beneficial to soil health and increases soil organic matter
- Strong legume content to maximise nitrogen production
- High disease and stress tolerance
- Dense canopy for maximum sunlight harvesting and minimal weed competition
- High yielding mix capable of 10-14t DM/ha
EF4 Pollen & Nectar Seed Mix (8kg per acre)
@ £4.37 kg
12.5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
25.0% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
17.5% Sheep's Fescue
20.0% Meadow Fescue
9.0% Red Clover
7.5% Common Sainfoin
5.0% Alsike Clover
3.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
100% (8 kg per acre)
Why Buy this product?
- Produces an ideal habitat for forage insects and birds
- Contains a selection of pollen and nectar-rich species
- Non-competitive companion grasses
- Sow in strips, at least 6 meters wide on field margins and/or in blocks (no larger than 0.5ha and no more than 1 strip / block per 20 ha)
- To stimulate late flowering, half the area should be cut to 20cm in June and the whole area to 10cm between mid-September/October
- Ideally clippings should be removed
- Sow mid-March to April, or July to August
8kg per acre