Dog attack again..


Livestock Farmer
But I would hope that most farmers would try to capture a dog or drive it away before shooting it.
Aye but when you get to a field of sheep with a dog in it that's causing this sort of damage ....


IMG-20200613-WA0001.jpg don't have time to fanny about catching the bloody thing.


a mate rang me the other day asking did you see that ewe on the estate? no , well dogs run em through the electric through the housing on to the bye pass got hit by a car 4 of the public held it down , ambulance came covered it ina thermal blanket because it was in stress another farmer picked it up and took it home for the owner to collect it next day :scratchhead: you couldn't wright it could you?
My collie/Patterdale cross started to show an unhealthy interest in sheep, one wet day she was starring intently at them and put her tail against the electric fence, forever more she was terrified of sheep and wouldn't go near them, you might want to suggest this solution to the owners rather than them risking the lead option next time it happens
talking of patterdales syd's decided he wants to be a cattle dog but he's just a fecking nuisance!


Livestock Farmer
a mate rang me the other day asking did you see that ewe on the estate? no , well dogs run em through the electric through the housing on to the bye pass got hit by a car 4 of the public held it down , ambulance came covered it ina thermal blanket because it was in stress another farmer picked it up and took it home for the owner to collect it next day :scratchhead: you couldn't wright it could you?

talking of patterdales syd's decided he wants to be a cattle dog but he's just a fecking nuisance!
We sold a patterdale to a chap up in the hills a long time back. Tiny little thing. Like half sized! Worked for fun. She was down the field with the bloke one day when his limmy bull took exception to him. She grabbed it by the nose and turned it upside down!


Livestock Farmer
Not sure where about you are but in Cheshire we’ve got the Rural Crime Squad. If I report sheep worrying to them along with dog owners details and whereabouts with a witness statement from a credible witness they will pursue. You can’t get the dog destroyed, but you can hit them hard for compensation. I have just gone through such proceedings before Christmas. It took the guilty party being taken in for questioning and being formally identified to get him to crack and admit guilt. I was fully prepared to take him to court as there was no physical way he could wriggle out of it.
Being so close to Manchester and having the large very popular national trust property on our top border, we get a lot of dog trouble. Will shoot 1 a year. The police love it as they can heavily publicise that “if you don’t keep Fido on his lead and it goes chasing sheep 1) he’ll be shot and 2) you will be prosecuted for damage to property”

BUT… always make an attempt to stop the dog before shooting. This amounts to shouting “come on, come here, good boy” in a loud clear voice. just before pulling the trigger
Make certain it’s a safe shot
The dog must be at large, not returning to its master when you drop it
As for wounding, well you aimed to kill it. I always put a second shot in regardless once it’s on the deck. I was advised this by the police who said it was a matter of safety for if I’d gone near it and it lunged at me and bit me then that’s not good. Better to make certain it’s dead. Plus it really gets the message across to the spectators if they watch you give it a second barrel. It reinforces your reputation no end.
as soon as you have shot the dog get the gun out of the way, DO NOT approach the owners, DO NOT put it on the floor. Get it either back in the cabinet or back in the vehicle ASAP. That way you can’t be incriminated.
Then ring the police. Ask for a squad car, tell them what’s happened and you are worried things could get nasty. THEN go collect the dog. You are allowed to hold it as evidence until the police arrive. From there get the details and proceed with court proceedings if they will not willingly pay up. I find it splits 50/50 those who willingly pay damages and those who need encouragement from the police.

All you can do prevention wise is put up your signs. Ask people to keep them on leads. But our local bobbies think the best possible deferent for the dog walkers is knowing that a dog was shot locally for chasing sheep. Not helpful I know, but that’s what I’ve been told


Livestock Farmer
My collie/Patterdale cross started to show an unhealthy interest in sheep, one wet day she was starring intently at them and put her tail against the electric fence, forever more she was terrified of sheep and wouldn't go near them, you might want to suggest this solution to the owners rather than them risking the lead option next time it happens
We’ve had 2 patterdale crosses in the last 30 years. Both had to be shot before they reached 5. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Reared with sheep their whole lives but it was just like a switch in their heads flicked and “all sheep must die” 😣
We’ve had jack Russell’s, poodles, collies and dachshunds for the last 40 years but it’s been the patterdale crosses that were the problem


Livestock Farmer
We’ve had 2 patterdale crosses in the last 30 years. Both had to be shot before they reached 5. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Reared with sheep their whole lives but it was just like a switch in their heads flicked and “all sheep must die” 😣
We’ve had jack Russell’s, poodles, collies and dachshunds for the last 40 years but it’s been the patterdale crosses that were the problem
I've had 3. 1st one the best most fantastic dog ever. Killed furry things for fun. Dug to Australia and back and barely got a mark on him. I ran him over when he was blind, deaf and pissing up rhe wheel of a reversing trailer 🙈 another one was a liability for buggering off and generally being a useless pain in the arse so he went to be a pet somewhere. The 3rd was a son of my old dog out of a bitch from a long line of dogs my uncle had bred for 30 odd years. What he forgot to mention was 3 generations back there was a behavioural...issue....all bar one bitch was killed either by kennel fighting or for being an uncontrollable psycho. This issue reared its head again with this litter. At 8 weeks old the pup grabbed a 60kg boar pig by the ear and rode it round the stable. At 12 weeks old he hadn't learnt his lesson and ripped a hole into the stable through a door and tried for round 2. At 16 weeks old he took himself off across our field and he killed 3 of my lambs and sat there eating the one when I found him 15 minutes after he'd disappeared. 16 minutes later he was dead. There were 8 in that litter and there's only 1 left alive now and thankfully he's got no balls left! They are great little dogs and I miss the old dog a lot, even digging an 8ft hole in the rain without a collar in the dark, but they can be a nightmare if you get a fruity one!
Aye but when you get to a field of sheep with a dog in it that's causing this sort of damage ....
View attachment 1085654
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View attachment 1085656 don't have time to fanny about catching the bloody thing.
Few years back we had worrying on a field of ewes n week old lambs . To be honest it brings a tear to my eye thinking of it , what a mess!
Lambs for weeks later with bites going rotten and needing shot, lambs that starved themselves to death hiding in bushes for days after .
Must have just missed it , one ewe was still bleeding to death out her throat when my wife went to check sheep.
Never seen to be there a right time 🙈🙈
If I had been there at time I would have loved to got hold of dog and caved it’s head in with a stone tbh but of course that would never happen .


Livestock Farmer
Aye but when you get to a field of sheep with a dog in it that's causing this sort of damage ....
View attachment 1085654
View attachment 1085655
View attachment 1085656 don't have time to fanny about catching the bloody thing.
Yep, it’s like when a normal beat copper asks “have you got any photos of the dog doing the damage?” 🤬🤬🤬🤬 like I’m going to fanny around taking photos when I could be stopping the dog?!?! BUT it was this type of scenario when rural Bobby told me to shout “stop, here boy” clear and loud. Then pull the trigger. He said as long as you shout, you made an effort. The dog ignored your shout and continued to worry your sheep, the next step is the lethal defence.

we shot one before covid, no owner anywhere. Rang the plod, they came out, looked at dog and dead sheep. No collar, no chip. Left it outside the farmyard with a sign “this dog killed 2 sheep, will the owners please come forward and pay the compensation required” parents were actively pointing out to kids “that’s what happens if you let the dog off near sheep” 3 days later the dog disappears but we never saw anyone. Never heard anything more either.


Livestock Farmer
Few years back we had worrying on a field of ewes n week old lambs . To be honest it brings a tear to my eye thinking of it , what a mess!
Lambs for weeks later with bites going rotten and needing shot, lambs that starved themselves to death hiding in bushes for days after .
Must have just missed it , one ewe was still bleeding to death out her throat when my wife went to check sheep.
Never seen to be there a right time 🙈🙈
If I had been there at time I would have loved to got hold of dog and caved it’s head in with a stone tbh but of course that would never happen .
Trouble is you’d get prosectuted for that. Once you’ve got hold of the dog that’s it. Take it away and await the owners.
although I do know of one old boy up in the hills, his lads caught some big mongrel thing and brought it back in the Land Rover. He told them to back up to the shed door and let it out, the moment it touched the floor he shot it because it had got away from them and was going for the sheep in the shed. 🤦🏻‍♂️ But those were the days when you could get away with such and there wasn’t a lawyer looking to sue you behind every tree
Best policy is really just for the dog to disappear !
But like I say the chances of being there are slim . The amount of dog attacks there are to the amount of times you witness them let alone have a rifle on you are very slim .
Just yesterday I saw 3 dogs with two different groups of people running through the neighbours sheep, not chasing them but not under control either. Footpath through the field.
People generally don’t give a @&£?, a dog getting shot locally for chasing sheep is sadly the best thing to happen .


Livestock Farmer
I don’t LIKE shooting peoples dogs. It’s just something that doesn’t bother me when they are worrying me sheep
Same here. I like dogs. Gives me no pleasure at all, just something you have to do.
People generally don’t give a @&£?, a dog getting shot locally for chasing sheep is sadly the best thing to happen .
It does send the necessary message. It's a pity it has to come to that to make some people realise the gravity of the situation.


We’ve had 2 patterdale crosses in the last 30 years. Both had to be shot before they reached 5. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Reared with sheep their whole lives but it was just like a switch in their heads flicked and “all sheep must die” 😣
We’ve had jack Russell’s, poodles, collies and dachshunds for the last 40 years but it’s been the patterdale crosses that were the problem
on our 3rd patter all been fantastic zac the hardest dog in the world take on anything, his son buster soft as sh!t but what a mate, when i lost him due to rat bait isaid i'd never have another the vet told me one will find you he did, his name is sydney he is the best friend ive ever had the last 2 killed me if i out live him, gee it'll take some getting over! am i going soft?


I will just add… I don’t LIKE shooting peoples dogs. It’s just something that doesn’t bother me when they are worrying me sheep. I’m a bugger for stopping talking to people if they’ve got a smart looking dog on the footpath, and no I’m not weighing up it’s speed and lead required! 🤣
Or stop talking to a dog when it's got a smart looking lady leading it?


Livestock Farmer
on our 3rd patter all been fantastic zac the hardest dog in the world take on anything, his son buster soft as sh!t but what a mate, when i lost him due to rat bait isaid i'd never have another the vet told me one will find you he did, his name is sydney he is the best friend ive ever had the last 2 killed me if i out live him, gee it'll take some getting over! am i going soft?
Defo not! My last Jack Russell got run over in the yard because I had left her at home coals it was too hot for her to come in the wagon with me all day. When I got back and had to dig the grave… there were tears. She was the dirtiest, scruffiest, most loving Jack Russell I’d ever had. The Mrs has one, it’s alright but not a patch on little Meg. I haven’t replaced her yet, still waiting to find that perfect looking pup. I like them basically like a go brush with legs, the rougher coated the better!!


Defo not! My last Jack Russell got run over in the yard because I had left her at home coals it was too hot for her to come in the wagon with me all day. When I got back and had to dig the grave… there were tears. She was the dirtiest, scruffiest, most loving Jack Russell I’d ever had. The Mrs has one, it’s alright but not a patch on little Meg. I haven’t replaced her yet, still waiting to find that perfect looking pup. I like them basically like a go brush with legs, the rougher coated the better!!
like my vet said one will find you! i just wish i'd hd 2 out that litter so i had back up!

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