Dog attack again..


i had the pick of the litter black and tan with brown feet , there was another identical with white feet i often wonder did i make the right choice. there was a black dog that wouldn't leave my feet, but i've always wanted a b and t ido wish i'd had that black dog as well!
Best policy is really just for the dog to disappear !
But like I say the chances of being there are slim . The amount of dog attacks there are to the amount of times you witness them let alone have a rifle on you are very slim .
Just yesterday I saw 3 dogs with two different groups of people running through the neighbours sheep, not chasing them but not under control either. Footpath through the field.
People generally don’t give a @&£?, a dog getting shot locally for chasing sheep is sadly the best thing to happen .

So what you are saying is that people who keep stock need to keep a few pigs as well. I get you.
Not sure where about you are but in Cheshire we’ve got the Rural Crime Squad. If I report sheep worrying to them along with dog owners details and whereabouts with a witness statement from a credible witness they will pursue. You can’t get the dog destroyed, but you can hit them hard for compensation. I have just gone through such proceedings before Christmas. It took the guilty party being taken in for questioning and being formally identified to get him to crack and admit guilt. I was fully prepared to take him to court as there was no physical way he could wriggle out of it.
Being so close to Manchester and having the large very popular national trust property on our top border, we get a lot of dog trouble. Will shoot 1 a year. The police love it as they can heavily publicise that “if you don’t keep Fido on his lead and it goes chasing sheep 1) he’ll be shot and 2) you will be prosecuted for damage to property”

BUT… always make an attempt to stop the dog before shooting. This amounts to shouting “come on, come here, good boy” in a loud clear voice. just before pulling the trigger
Make certain it’s a safe shot
The dog must be at large, not returning to its master when you drop it
As for wounding, well you aimed to kill it. I always put a second shot in regardless once it’s on the deck. I was advised this by the police who said it was a matter of safety for if I’d gone near it and it lunged at me and bit me then that’s not good. Better to make certain it’s dead. Plus it really gets the message across to the spectators if they watch you give it a second barrel. It reinforces your reputation no end.
as soon as you have shot the dog get the gun out of the way, DO NOT approach the owners, DO NOT put it on the floor. Get it either back in the cabinet or back in the vehicle ASAP. That way you can’t be incriminated.
Then ring the police. Ask for a squad car, tell them what’s happened and you are worried things could get nasty. THEN go collect the dog. You are allowed to hold it as evidence until the police arrive. From there get the details and proceed with court proceedings if they will not willingly pay up. I find it splits 50/50 those who willingly pay damages and those who need encouragement from the police.

All you can do prevention wise is put up your signs. Ask people to keep them on leads. But our local bobbies think the best possible deferent for the dog walkers is knowing that a dog was shot locally for chasing sheep. Not helpful I know, but that’s what I’ve been told

What do your signs say? I feel it is important that people with this very real problem go about it in the precisely correct way as you say.


Livestock Farmer
What do your signs say? I feel it is important that people with this very real problem go about it in the precisely correct way as you say.
Having nearly had my licence taken away through the lies told by an anti shooting member of the public it’s doubly important to do everything by the rules. Then you can take the high ground. It came very close to me losing, never want to be in that position again. And that was shooting geese! Not even a dog!


Mixed Farmer
Mind an old shepherd telling me about how there was a worrying incident on the estate many years ago .
The Laird got his chauffeur to drive him round the local village and shot every dog he saw to be sure he got the culprit ! 😳😳

I have to confess that I saw a bit of red mist a few years ago, having had a call about a dog in a bunch of ewes just as the tups were due to go in. They were only 1/4 mile down the drive but by the time I got there with the gun, the dog was gone, but the sheep were still huddled up in the corner of the field.
The caller may have told me which part of town the dog had come from, and the name the owner had been hollering at it to try to control it. I ‘may’ have spent a while touring round that end of town with the shotgun in my truck.
It was probably just as well I didn’t happen across anyone walking a collie that evening…😡


Yet another attack, people left the scene but witnesses called the police and followed them. Got photos and videos of it in the act, I wanted the dog taken away and destroyed but police didn't know what to do.
How do we stand on this?

Also completely different but with signs stating keep your dogs on leads can we even inforce that? Last 2 attacks they both said they didn't realise sheep were there and let them off...
Ime I had to push the Police every step of the way. Held the two dogs for 12 hours so Police were caused much aggravation before I finally released them to Police custody. Took two draft witness statements off first party witnesses and presented them to Police. One of ewes chased died overnight which helped as owner of dogs denied they had been out in previous 3 weeks so without independent witnesses could not bring criminal charges for earlier losses. Police kept pushing for "community resolution" I refused and advised I would take my own case to court if they did not refer matter to CPS. CPS issued summons and despite telling Police she would plead not guilty on advice of her expensive lawyer she pleaded guilty at P and D hearing. Dogs now on dangerous dogs register so next time I can go for a destruction order regardless of Police inaction. Ps. Not had a shotgun in a few years so shooting not an option, gave both dogs a good kicking on capture and Police officer who picked them up noticed how "cowed" they were🙄


Livestock Farmer

Just went to report my dog attack to police Scotland. I can't do it online as it's "other". Nice to see where their priorities are.

Highland Mule

Livestock Farmer
View attachment 1085686

Just went to report my dog attack to police Scotland. I can't do it online as it's "other". Nice to see where their priorities are.
Recent? PM me if you want some advice before you go too far. System let me down a couple of years ago but l learned a lot from the experience. Police Scotland were fine but Procurator Fiscal (Scottish equivalent of CPS) were the weak link.


Livestock Farmer
Recent? PM me if you want some advice before you go too far. System let me down a couple of years ago but l learned a lot from the experience. Police Scotland were fine but Procurator Fiscal (Scottish equivalent of CPS) were the weak link.

Friday. Loose dogs had escaped someones garden and ran about hunting. A lab x and a spaniel.

No bites on sheep, but pushed them through a fence and over the neighbours. I caught one dog and called the tag number. Owner very apologetic and came to collect. Couldn't catch spaniel, but husband got it later apparently. When she took the lab off me she said "they normally come home quite quickly", which worries me it is a regular thing.

Not wanting/expecting formal action but words of advice and a log of the incident would be good.

Both the keeper and I warned her the dogs risk being shot.

I've just called 101 now. Fair play, phone was answered quickly and officers are attending to take a statement from me tomorrow.

Highland Mule

Livestock Farmer
Friday. Loose dogs had escaped someones garden and ran about hunting. A lab x and a spaniel.

No bites on sheep, but pushed them through a fence and over the neighbours. I caught one dog and called the tag number. Owner very apologetic and came to collect. Couldn't catch spaniel, but husband got it later apparently. When she took the lab off me she said "they normally come home quite quickly", which worries me it is a regular thing.

Not wanting/expecting formal action but words of advice and a log of the incident would be good.

Both the keeper and I warned her the dogs risk being shot.

I've just called 101 now. Fair play, phone was answered quickly and officers are attending to take a statement from me tomorrow.
Make sure to very clearly note the correct value of your time and and potential losses then. You only have one shot at getting compensation it seems. The one here covered the vet bill but not the livestock value because the police report didn’t include that figure.

And I’d press for charges too - the dogs were in an enclosure with the sheep so it’s a definite offence. Especially so soon after tupping. Take the value of the flock and assume a percentage will cast lambs, then go with the value of that to the police.


Livestock Farmer
Make sure to very clearly note the correct value of your time and and potential losses then. You only have one shot at getting compensation it seems. The one here covered the vet bill but not the livestock value because the police report didn’t include that figure.

And I’d press for charges too - the dogs were in an enclosure with the sheep so it’s a definite offence. Especially so soon after tupping. Take the value of the flock and assume a percentage will cast lambs, then go with the value of that to the police.
Killing lambs fortunately.

Be a different story if it was my tupping ewes!

Dry Rot

Livestock Farmer
Having nearly had my licence taken away through the lies told by an anti shooting member of the public it’s doubly important to do everything by the rules. Then you can take the high ground. It came very close to me losing, never want to be in that position again. And that was shooting geese! Not even a dog!
I cannot agree with that that enough. Take photographs, video, record notes, and list witnesses. And if the police do not follow up, lodge an official complaint. Lots of information on the internet about dog laws if you look and some will surprise you.

If you do have to shoot a dog, don't forget that the corpse is property and it still belongs to the owner so disposing of it is technically theft. You can't tell your dog to chase out trespassing sheep, but it is perfectly legal if it does it on it's own initiative. A dog can be classed as dangerous and out of control if it causes upset, and that could include a dog on a lead. Lots more out there that's worth knowing. If a dog is allowed to wander by it's owner (and so present a potential risk), the man to see first is probably the dog warden, not the police. Don't confront but use a third party when dealing with problem dog owners. Etc. Know the law and use it.

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Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

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