New Zealand


Livestock Farmer
Just been in to town this afternoon and the traffic was as bad a pre Covid-19 days, I do hope we don't have a spike in cases now.
Just made the same journey I did last week, and it's much busier, a lot of firms have gone back to work here. If they had made the lockdown earlier, this would of happened during the peak.


NZ has 3.8 M tourists a year into a population of 5.0 M. That 76% of its population.
The UK has a population of 60 M; does it have 45.6 M visitors annually?
According to mr google in 2018 it was 40 million.but that is totally irrelevant. If ten people come into a country with an infection how many people will they get within 2 metres of and how many will those contacts come within 2 metres of ? Now compare those numbers if a 1000 enter or 10,000 , especially in a city of 9 million moving around in crammed tube trains etc, I'm not even sure its tourists from abroad who are the main carriers into the UK but those returning here from holidays abroad who will naturally mix more than tourists from abroad.
According to mr google in 2018 it was 40 million.but that is totally irrelevant. If ten people come into a country with an infection how many people will they get within 2 metres of and how many will those contacts come within 2 metres of ? Now compare those numbers if a 1000 enter or 10,000 , especially in a city of 9 million moving around in crammed tube trains etc, I'm not even sure its tourists from abroad who are the main carriers into the UK but those returning here from holidays abroad who will naturally mix more than tourists from abroad.

On the radio news this morning: all 1450 infections have originated from 35 individuals entering NZ. This was verified by viral DNA strain analysis showing it came from multiple countries. Three main clusters contributed to almost half of total infections. One being the World Hereford Conference visitors. A school reunion and a wedding. All three had attendees that spread out nationwide before lockdown.
Once nations recognised they had cases, their success in controlling the pandemic was how hard and fast they reacted, that's policy. The examples of Taiwan and the US demonstrate the extremes of govt action.

kiwi pom

canterbury NZ
On the radio news this morning: all 1450 infections have originated from 35 individuals entering NZ. This was verified by viral DNA strain analysis showing it came from multiple countries. Three main clusters contributed to almost half of total infections. One being the World Hereford Conference visitors. A school reunion and a wedding. All three had attendees that spread out nationwide before lockdown.
Once nations recognised they had cases, their success in controlling the pandemic was how hard and fast they reacted, that's policy. The examples of Taiwan and the US demonstrate the extremes of govt action.

The fact that Kiwis have mostly done as they were told is a major factor in all this though.
If Jacinda Ardern had been the US president and announced the same rules to Americans, especially as early as she did here, it would have gone very differently.
The lockdown here has also been a lot more extreme than in the UK. I don't think what NZ is doing could have been done in the UK or US.
We still don't know how it will end here either.


Bay of Plenty NZ
The fact that Kiwis have mostly done as they were told is a major factor in all this though.
If Jacinda Ardern had been the US president and announced the same rules to Americans, especially as early as she did here, it would have gone very differently.
The lockdown here has also been a lot more extreme than in the UK. I don't think what NZ is doing could have been done in the UK or US.
We still don't know how it will end here either.
Jacinda has communicated well in her almost daily updates, she has read the public mood and acted quickly and decisively to it. I tend to agree if the same lockdown rules had been applied in either the UK or USA it would not have worked to the same degree.

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Mixed Farmer
Nobody really wants to talk about it but there seem to be other factors at work in protecting countries. Climate is one as countries in the southern hemisphere were in their summer. Ethnicity seems to be another although this originated in China they actually on the whole have been less affected with the exception of Wuhan. People were still moving around China before Wuhan was shutdown but it never took hold in Beijing or other cities. Is it that people of European ethnicity softer and an easier target for the virus. Or is it related to diet are people in poorer countries living on plant based foods better able to cope with virus. I think there
are many factors at work not just avoidance of contact. But we probably won't know for years.
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I have seen reports that smokers don't get it so easily but if they do it tends to be very serious yet I've also read that 90% of Chinese men smoke but few women.


There seems to be an ethnicity effect as well, Maoris and Asians make up16% of NZs population each but only 8% and 6% of cases.
Strange that because in europe BAMEs seem to be suffering badly compared to us whities, its thought darker skin is stopping vit D absorption

kiwi pom

canterbury NZ
Six more cases and one more death today.
Over half the deaths from the one rest home.
1485 confirmed and probable cases.
20 deaths, at least 2 of which were in the probable group.


But we didnt really shut up shop. 400 refugees into NZ since lock down level 4.
We closed down nearly 2 weeks after Ireland, yet our results are good and Irelands are poor. Why is that?

You may have closed down after Ireland but there was a lot of events in the month before a few stag nights in Europe seem to spread it wildly after then a rugby match with Italy was cancelled but the supporters came anyway then cheltenham races went ahead even though there were cases in the area and thousands of Irish crossed the Irish Sea to get there throw all that into the melting pot and you’re really chasing the game

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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    Votes: 42 13.6%
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    Votes: 6 1.9%
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    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 246
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...