Loads of mice about.
To what extent is a farm cat a toxoplasmosis risk?
From a quick look on here-
A) it's only young cats (how young?) so don't want unneutered female having masses of kittens
B) foxes spread it- and every field is probably crossed by multiple foxes every night.
C) it's cat's mess in sheep food- is this them using corn as a litter tray or is it straw bedding as well?
To what extent is a farm cat a toxoplasmosis risk?
From a quick look on here-
A) it's only young cats (how young?) so don't want unneutered female having masses of kittens
B) foxes spread it- and every field is probably crossed by multiple foxes every night.
C) it's cat's mess in sheep food- is this them using corn as a litter tray or is it straw bedding as well?