Ground I'm farming with sheep is currently really under stocked as it was took on in September 2020, sheep were over wintered outside and the grass wasn't performing well. So, this spring and summer I'm going to have a huge surplus. A neighbouring farmer is short of silage ground this year and wants to buy my surplus grass. But what does anyone think its worth per ha or bale?
I can send a picture of my workings but a rough £23 a bale/£215 per ha value (9-10 bales) and a cost of contractors of £140 a ha. That's a difference of £75. Does £50 a ha sound realistic? Would be interesting to hear peoples thoughts.
I can send a picture of my workings but a rough £23 a bale/£215 per ha value (9-10 bales) and a cost of contractors of £140 a ha. That's a difference of £75. Does £50 a ha sound realistic? Would be interesting to hear peoples thoughts.