
  1. Agriland RSS

    AHWNI warns herd owners to follow biosecurity guidance

    Written by Maeve Hennessy from Agriland Biosecurity involves taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious disease. This is a responsibility for every exhibitor at shows. This ensures that the exhibitors neither bring disease on to the premises or bring disease back to...
  2. unlacedgecko

    Scottish Sub Calving index 410 days Current Scottish calving index figures
  3. Zippy768

    Sourcing Calves

    So we rear alot of calves and sell at 4/5 months. Historically been sourced from market. With the obvious trial and tribulations with market calves, I think we do a v good job. However I feel I've come to the end of the line on that route. What we achieve is probably the best that can be done...
  4. D

    Noise / cockerel / distance?

    Our farm is diversifying and we have some breeding groups of rare breeds of poultry. About 12 groups in total, each has 2 cockerels, so 24 roos in total, roughly. We are about half a kilometre from the nearest houses. You can very faintly hear them. Any one had experience of noise complaints /...
  5. Hummin-Cummins

    MCF in cattle

    Got a poorly cow (one of my favourite and best cows) and the vet thinks it’s possibly MCF. Prognosis doesn’t sound good if it is. Anyone ever had a case? Sounds like its very uncommon, TIA H-C
  6. Agriland RSS

    NFUS welcomes commencement of SSBSS payments this week

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland The National Farmers’ Union of Scotland (NFUS) has welcomed the news that farmers will begin to receive Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme (SSBSS) payments this week. Farmers will start to receive the payments on Thursday, March 28. NFUS vice...
  7. Agriland RSS

    Scotland: New calving interval of 410 days added to SSBSS

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland A new calving interval of 410 days measured on an individual animal basis has been added to the Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme (SSBSS). The Scottish government said the new calving interval will help cut emissions intensity and make beef...
  8. Yale

    New limits to SFI.
  9. Agriland RSS

    Johne’s disease: What is it and what are the signs?

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland Johne’s disease, also known as paratuberculosis, is a bacterial disease of cattle and other ruminants for which there is no cure. It is caused by the bacterium mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Cattle usually become infected as...
  10. Agriland RSS

    Dairy advice: Risk of scour and pneumonia cases grows

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland Calf sheds on many farms now full and the bacterial load inside them is quite high, which means that calves are now at higher risk of scour. A number a factors could now be causing issues with scour in sheds, and the current focus should be on...
  11. Agriland RSS

    BVD maps show significant progress north and south

    Written by Stella Meehan from Agriland The most recent maps produced for the Northern Ireland (NI) and Republic of Ireland (ROI) bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) programmes show significant progress in reducing the incidence of the infection. The maps were compiled by the Centre for Veterinary...
  12. Agriland RSS

    Demand for dairy semen remains strong in Northern Ireland

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The latest sales figures are confirming a continuing and strong demand for quality, sexed dairy semen in Northern Ireland. According to AI Services’ Ivan Minford, this reflects the needs of milk producers with year-round calving herds to maintain a...
  13. Agriland RSS

    Why being selective when breeding is important

    Written by Brian McDonnell from Agriland Panning for the breeding season is underway on many dairy farms as we move through the month of March and head towards April. The days of just using dairy genetics across all cows are very much over, with a significant focus now required on...
  14. H

    Muirburn scotland

    Looks like the wonderful scot gov have managed to push through something today, can't find out if it's an immediate ban or not. Some sort of licensing scheme apparently 😡
  15. Henarar

    3 sets of twins in 3 years

    This cow calved a few days ago and its the third year she has had twins, can't be to common ? I can't remember having one have twins 2 years in a row before this one
  16. D

    Calf prices

    3 week old Angus and Hereford calves, out of crossbred cows, well reared and will be a decent size for age. How much should we ask? Always do price across the board for bulls and heifers; last year was 120 bulls, 90 heifers. Same buyer for three years, he collects within a couple of days of when...
  17. holwellcourtfarm

    Pay farmers to cut pollution?

    Piece in today's Times: In case link doesn't work: FWIW, my thoughts are that farms DO need to cut water pollution. If the water industry finally sort their act out then...
  18. milkloss

    Calving 2024

    Won't be starting until mid April ourselves but I saw a video today which reminded me: stay safe, everyone comes across one like this at some point.
  19. D

    Spring wheat seed?

    After failing to plant some of my winter wheat land, I’m still looking for 4 tons of spring wheat seed. I realise that it’s pretty late now to be trying to source some but is there anyone out there who’s got some for sale? My farm’s on the Hereford/Glos. border.
  20. S

    Jersey v xbreeds.

    Please may I ask about pure Jersey breed versus Jersey Crossbreeds, (with Holstein Friesian etc) overall performance? Any major differences? Thankyou.