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  1. D

    How to ethically stop the new neighbours treating their neighbouring farms like they own them….

    Usual story, old listed pile with an acre was sold after probate to the highest bidder. London family bought who have a habit of buying, renovating, living for a year or two then selling and moving on. From what I hear they have over spent and out of funds to finish it as the london...
  2. Agriland RSS

    CAFRE to host farm walk on Co. Tyrone suckler enterprise

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) is set to host a farm walk just outside Caledon, Co. Tyrone, on David and Joanne Wright’s suckler farm. The event will take place from 7:30p.m on Wednesday, July 3, with CAFRE advisers...
  3. Agriland RSS

    Watch: How can grazing prevent further climate change?

    Written by Maeve Hennessy from Agriland Farmers have the ability to create carbon sinks with livestock by employing a system known as Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) grazing according to research that features in a documentary released today (Wednesday, June 26). The ‘Roots So Deep’ documentary...
  4. D

    Mowing charge

    Do people charge by the hour or by the acre to mow and how much for each please?
  5. Farfrae

    Farmer, Camper and slurry/muck

    What's your opinion on this (from the Sun's Twitter page) ? Where a farmer sprays a camper/cyclist with slurry. Whilst the farmer's frustration is probably valid, I'm not sure that his reaction and possible assault in respect of a civil matter is doing farming any favours. Thoughts?
  6. G

    Agricultural Property Relief being actively looked at by Labour "Guardian"

    The loss of APR relief would cause significant problems for land values ,farm bank borrowings and break up farms with many land sales hitting the market to pay Inheritance tax, This would be a massive problem for family farms having to find eye watering sums to stay in business and lessen the...
  7. BuskhillFarm

    Land Prices

    With a few plots of land appearing on the market going for £25000 per acre usually in poor state or part of it in trees/bog and no planning in place… What do you value agri land at purely for buying to actually farm it? I know it’s a can of worms buying vs selling. Hill vs Arable
  8. Grassman

    Over grown hedges and trees on roads

    I know it's been brought up many times but round my area it's getting very difficult on some lanes to get through with tractors and machinery safely. As usual it's the non farmers and in some cases it's vegetation growing on verges (Which is usually the councils problem) I reported some self...
  9. E


    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a tough solution to spray on ragwort on grazing land (horses). I've been told that depitox 500 won't work on its own and it is best mixed with agritox. Does this sound right to you knowledgeable crew??? If not, what would you recommend?
  10. F

    Calf hutch bedding

    Seeking advice on what bedding would be best for our hutches. Moved onto concrete slab which isn’t easily accessible with the loader. Previously used straw but in a paddock
  11. Agriland RSS

    RSPCA celebrates 200th birthday and expects a busy week

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is today (Friday, June 14) celebrating its 200th birthday during its “busiest week of the year”. The animal welfare charity took 31,947 calls to its emergency line during its...
  12. Jerry

    Sheep handling pens - ideas

    Im thinking about changing my static pens as they are no longer really fit for purpose and need a lot spending on them including a concrete floor as most of it is just bare earth. I have this shed that us but used for much. 16 foot bays. 30 foot deep. Concrete floor that slopes slightly from...
  13. L

    Buying depreciating assets.

    Not really sure where I’m going with this but I’ll ask anyway. what thought processes do people have when buying depreciating assets for the farm business? . I’m at a point(I think I always have been) where the tax saving argument doesn’t wash with me. So when buying depreciating assets what do...
  14. Z

    Horses for personal use on agricultural land

    Hi, Just after a bit of advice please, we currently have one horse on our farm for family use, we are looking at getting a pony for our children but family members have voiced concerns regarding tax relief on the land. Does anyone have any knowledge on this subject? As said they are our own...
  15. Grassman

    Are car drivers getting more stupid?

    Had three incidents today that got me wondering. Passing a row of cars parked on the left with a tractor and rake on. Most sensible people coming the other way would just wait and give me time to get through. But no. It seem now that the thing to do is keep going so both of us have to stop as...

    Pet lambs

    Reared a load of pet lambs ( split triplets and odds n sods) this year on a couple of sheperdess feeders. They didn't look back, looking fantastic. Eating creep and on straw. Weaned them 6 weeks no bother, no check and eating creep like its going out of fashion. Id say they are the best looking...
  17. S

    Is planning permission required if plot of land which adjoins road has no access at all?

    I saw a nice looking plot but no access whatsoever. I saw deep tire marks in a picture so I am guessing what vehicles have already accessed have done so from adjoining fields. I checked with agents and they said indeed there is no access. So you have to crawl to government and ask for...
  18. bactosoil

    should we axe 'Regenerative Agriculture' ?

    I am not critising any farmers involved in regenerative farming in any way but it seems to me the perception from the public and non farming buisinesses is that if you say 'regenerative farming' three times and click your heels you take your farm magically to an environmental utopia -job...
  19. Agriland RSS

    Dairy advice: Do you have a good milking routine?

    Written by Hugh Harney from Agriland A good milking routine is hugely important, particularly when it comes to milking efficiency and hygiene standards. Cows are creatures of habit, so having every day similar to the previous and to the next is essential in order to have the cows at ease...
  20. Shann_mann

    Rotational grazing sheep!!

    So long story short. I’ve got a neighbour who likes to mark up my sheep as his own. So I’m for moving my flock of a 25 acre bank onto 24 acres of better grazing. I normally run 80 Cheviot ewes and lambs on it. But this other block of grazing is made up of 11 fields so I was thinking if I...