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  1. daveydiesel1

    Fendt going 200hp 4pot?

    Seen on tiktok the new 600 series, tractor in question was a 620. So is the 716,718 and 720 being replaced? Any1 know if its a sisu up front? Bound to be a backward step in fuel consumption compared to the deutz
  2. Bruce Almighty

    Kyleo equivalent

    How many l/ha Glyphosate & how many l/ha 2,4D do you need on rape stables pre-drilling We’d normally use 3 l/ha glyphosate but some rape volunteers are strong Thanks
  3. D

    Companion cropping wheat beans seed rate and pre em

    What would a suggested seed rate be, normally 100kg wheat per acre So 10/15kgbeans? And drop wheat or not? Plan is to spray beans out in spring and combine wheat. Pre em suggestions? Normal wheat pre em is my suggestion as if I plough beans down pre em be weaker by time they are through?
  4. M

    Wheat pre em

    Morning Presumably most are still planning on planting wheat in the next month or so. With current prices and profitability what’s everyone’s thoughts on pre em choices and rates ? cheers
  5. Grass And Grain

    IPM3 - Companion Crops

    Probably won't be looking at SFI until next year, but wondering if anyone has a plan for companion crops. What companion in which crop, will it work with herbicides, will it leave any profit? Payment rate is only £55/ha.
  6. Laggard

    Winter Beans

    Never grown them before, recovering OSR grower. Which is a good winter variety and what seed rate if ploughing or Claydon drilled please? Any other advice welcome.
  7. organic

    Rea Valley Expand?

    Have they taken over Teme Valley Tractors?
  8. W

    Cutting after forefront spray

    Silage field was sprayed this past with with forefront, been assured it’s safe to cut it won’t forefront as the much from the resulting silage will only ever be used back on grassland. But what I was wondering how long after spraying is it safe to cut it ?
  9. Neddy flanders

    Which Blackgrass control program....

    ...has given you 100% control? There are plenty of dirty fields out there, but also some very clean ones. Is that cultural as well as chemical? Interested to know others chemical inputs. Me; 1l/ha Liberator 2l/ha CC National F/b 0.4 Sunfire peri-em
  10. SilliamWhale

    How was Broadway Star performed on Brome this year?

    Had really poor control this year. Not sure why after a couple of good control years. What's everyone else' feeling?
  11. Bigjon44

    Ramsay valve leak

    As per title, noticed a slight leak from ramsay valve today. Diaphragm gone?
  12. Grass And Grain

    Is there any way we can farm in the UK without subsidies?

    Copied from the BFU thread which is running about writing a letter to Rishi Sunak... I was thinking about imports undermining our standards and prices. It doesn't even need imports to meet our standards. What I mean is, they don't need to be imports. Take Ukrainian grain. Doesn't necessarily...
  13. S

    AB15 2 year legume

    Have 6 weeks from when you can destroy in 2nd year to hopefully drilling wheat - last year presumably like toast & you could bale up for bedding. In a wet year topping off a 2ft high mass could leave a thick mat & long stubble under the tyre tracks. What have people done
  14. M

    Univoq problems spring 2023

    Haven’t heard of any yet. Anyone had any issues at T1?
  15. casemx 270

    Grass weed explosion

    Anyone else seeing a big grass weed explosion with this wet weather? So depressing rampant ryegrass and blackgrass in fields that looked clean post Christmas.
  16. Bigjon44


    Seem to be more of a problem every year around this time.what are people using to take them out or would a higher rate of stomp/picona in autumn be more effective?
  17. banjo

    What a brilliantly written article 👏

  18. Fergieman

    Barley and pea mix pre-em

    Is there a pre em weedkiller that can be sprayed on a spring barley and pea mix? Had planned on a stale seedbed but the weather hasn't allowed that.
  19. D

    Companion cropping with grass weeds

    Just chatting with agronomist about our options for companion cropping with wheat and barley, beans were his go too for wheat but we then discussed grass weeds so pre Ems would be out of the question? I think I need them tbh it's our only real shot on winter barley. Don't really want to whole...
  20. Banana Bar

    Univoq or Revystar

    Who’s going to use Univoq this year? The only real substitute is Revystar but at £27 / ha more expensive it’s a difficult decision. We used Univoq for half a day last year and had to replace all of our DCV diaphragms, over winter we have found several damaged tank hoses and replaced the pump...