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red tractor

  1. S

    What are the main obstacles preventing you from pulse/legume cropping?

    Hello everyone! Here at LEAF, we are helping on the NCS project by driving farmer recruitment and would love to hear your diverse insights and experiences already with integrating legumes and pulses into your crop rotations. As we know, legumes and pulses can fix atmospheric nitrogen, which not...
  2. yellowbelly

    NFU enrol MP's on a crash course in Agriculture

    https://www.fwi.co.uk/news/new-mps-enrol-on-nfu-farming-fellowship-scheme?utm_source=homelatestnews Initially looks a good idea, some of the 'stakeholder partners' who will probably be lecturing them look a bit 'dangerous' though .....ABP...AIC 😱 They're even going to finish with a graduation...
  3. Agriland RSS

    UK-wide ‘Make it Lamb’ initiative to celebrate versatility of lamb

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland The UK-wide ‘Make it Lamb’ collaboration will launch for the first time this year and aims to celebrate lamb’s versatility and natural flavour. The campaign is a collaboration between all four UK red meat levy boards, led by Quality Meat Scotland...
  4. paul&mandy


    Another 446 houses going in locally, they just won the appeal, 1 field we loose, was all greenbelt but the government took the greenbelt status off the land to suite themselves or some.fat brown envelope. Mainly affordable inc 4 traveler sites. There is no plans to build any further...
  5. Dave645

    We’ve discovered the world’s trees absorb methane. so, can we shut the methane pressure put on livestock farming down?

    https://theconversation.com/weve-discovered-the-worlds-trees-absorb-methane-so-forests-are-even-more-important-in-the-climate-fight-than-we-thought-235233 plant a few trees on your farm, and we may be able to say job done?
  6. Old Tip

    Stock selection criteria

    Giving some thought to what attributes you would measure when selecting stock on an extensive system. Signet etc measure stuff that can only really be measured if you have the animals inside regularly or close at hand. They also seem obsessed with growth so encourage hard feeding. I and others...
  7. principal skinner

    Shipping container

    Anyone concreted the floor of a container? Want to convert one to chem store/ bunded area and think 100mm c40 layer on top of the wooden floor (with membrane) is the cheapest and easiest way to go. Any one done it?
  8. Wolds Beef

    NFU and Supermarkets.!!

    I know NFU is a dirty word on here! but I am still a member, as are several others. At our last meeting I did say that the NFU should not take sponsorship from the retailers for there annual conference and get together. I still believe this should be the case as the supermarkets/retailers are...
  9. P

    Animal Health verification check

    Just received an email from someone claiming to be an official vet working for E & J on behalf of the Food Standards Agency announcing she wants to do a "animal health verification check" on Friday morning. Does anyone know what this involves?
  10. Anonymous...

    SQC Chairman also Chairman of SAOS consultants employed by AHDB to review imported cereal assurance

    I watch the whole assurance reviews with interest, and we've been told those doing the reviews are "independent". Hold on to your hats. I've done a bit of digging and got something to tell you.... Linked to the assurance reviews are the reviews commission by AHDB. Two reviews... Comparison...
  11. Chris F

    Carbon Footprinting in dairy?

    I was at an event at the Agri-tech centre at Harper last week and I was told that 80% of dairy farm have done a full carbon footprint benchmark study. I was quite surprised by this as it's probably more like 5% of Arable. Ignoring the fact that the survey is probably wrong and may not be...
  12. R

    Bore hole

    Thinking it's about time we put a bore hole in to save having to pay ridiculous charges, I know we have water as there was a big well right next to the old farmhouse, but what treatment does it need to be able to be used in houses ?
  13. W

    Milk volume how little is to little

    With the muller serving notice to some of it farmers for various things. One of the point is down to milk volume. So how much milk is required to continue supplying muller ?
  14. W

    Baroness Batters

    Which blithering idiot has granted her a seat in the house of lords. She’s tried to ruin UK Agriculture over her nfu tenure with net zero promises she made without consulting the members as well as trying to get GFC through the back door of Red Tractor. The worst nfu president in its history...
  15. D

    Mass building by Labour Gov

    Dear Farmers et al, Im not a farmer but I do have friends and family in farming. Despite the large amounts of money offered to farmers for their land to build on, could I please urge you guys not to sell up. I know it’s the most tempting thing in the world to pass up on what’s being offered but...
  16. Willie adie

    Agricultural acronyms

    OK a bit of fun. Take an agricultural manufacturer, or animal breed and create your own fitting acronym. Will hopefully think of more but here's a starter. HYMAC, hey you made a c##t
  17. Jackov Altraids

    Urea use

    There can't have been many days this year, when anyone making a properly informed decision, would not have concluded that conditions favoured the use of urea over AN. At least on grassland. Why are we regulated by idiots?
  18. J

    Sprayer on a budget

    I'm relatively new to the sprayer world and would be grateful of some advice. We previously used a mix of infrequent contractors and our old Allman sprayer. My old man did all the spraying but he's not around any more. Now I have a fairly large amount of grassland to clean up for preparation for...
  19. L

    BVD the new TB in Wales

    Just read in the latest newsletter from our vets about the recent new legislation from the Welsh government regarding BVD, every herd will now will have to carry out annual antibody screening (which we will charged a fee for the pleasure) the results will be reported to the farmer, the...
  20. JP1

    14ft Houghton trailer for sale
