This year instead of buying in stores I took on some cade`s and have been plagued by scours. Weaned at 5 weeks, introduced to grass gradually over the next week then turned them out 24/7. A few of them started getting just a bit loose which I was convinced was just the flush of new grass and the exceptional wet weather but two days later dosed them all with benzimole to sweep up any nemo threat, normally that would be it but things went bad to worse over the two days so got the sick ones in and looking at the sh** convinced myself they have a dose of cocci - never had it on the place before as the stock is normally older or bred on the place. Anyway, got on to the vet who prescribed me Tolracol - drenched them all but the sick ones have not shown any improvement 48 hours later. Three are eating and looking like they will pull through if I can dry them up - one is hardly eating so hydrating, my question here is.... does anyone know when/if I should see an improvement on the sick ones as I've never used Tolracol before.
Thanks all
Thanks all