So Red Tractor have a full page colour advert in today’s Western Morning News
. That must have cost a fair bit and I have no doubt similar adverts are being placed in other papers.
it’s headed Reap the Rewards with Red Tractor and asks for repost sw to the consultation process.
If Red Tractor were half as smart as they think they are they wouldn’t have water their money by placing this advert in the Monday edition of the WMN. Wednesday is the day when the Farming section is printed and when they would get the biggest impact on Farmers.
It’s shameful to see money wasted in this way

it’s headed Reap the Rewards with Red Tractor and asks for repost sw to the consultation process.
If Red Tractor were half as smart as they think they are they wouldn’t have water their money by placing this advert in the Monday edition of the WMN. Wednesday is the day when the Farming section is printed and when they would get the biggest impact on Farmers.
It’s shameful to see money wasted in this way