I really can’t explain why but after spreading some muck / compost / biosolid on some land going into OSR this month I decided it would be a good idea to subsoil it !
This is a block that has been 10 years no till, it has great structure but now my moment of maddens and misjudgement has left me a unstructured, unlevel, unweather proof mess that I actually think I’ve forgotten how to make into something suitable to drill !
I think a light pass with a carrier and the rolls - the cost and time of which makes me recall what a lot of pointless work cultivation is
Not sure why I’m sharing this - just felt some sort of need to confess :-(
This is a block that has been 10 years no till, it has great structure but now my moment of maddens and misjudgement has left me a unstructured, unlevel, unweather proof mess that I actually think I’ve forgotten how to make into something suitable to drill !
I think a light pass with a carrier and the rolls - the cost and time of which makes me recall what a lot of pointless work cultivation is
Not sure why I’m sharing this - just felt some sort of need to confess :-(