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grass weed

  1. Grassman

    Ground slightly damp😃

    I am struggling to remember our land being this wet at this time of year. January to March perhaps but never the beginning of November. Seems all we get is extreme weather nowadays.
  2. snipe

    What % of winter crops not planted or destroyed

    What % of your intended winter crop have not been planted or damaged by flood/slugs/ flee Beatle?
  3. Laggard

    Rotting seeds

    Why does wheat seed rot but blackgrass doesn’t?
  4. PI Stsker

    Claydon drill

    Currently a traditional set up; plough/ heavy cultivations then drill but looking at going straight in to stubble or minimum amount of tillage. Looking at a Claydon, are they any good…? Cropping consists of wheat, barley, oats, maize & grass but obviously would only be for cereal crops.
  5. M

    Does soil movement kill weeds?

    Bit of a cock up but it’s created a question. 30ac after potatoes was cultivated straight after harvest 2 weeks ago. I checked it a week ago to see if it needed some more levelling but it was fine to drill straight into. Then it rained and rained. Went over today with tractor, drill, seed etc to...
  6. T

    Crop Rotation Mistake?

    Hi folks, looking for some advice. Due to a mix up in the co-op the wrong seed ended up being put into the contractors seed drill. We were meant to be putting in Winter Wheat after Winter Oilseed Rape, instead we got some Winter Barley seed. Obviously this makes a total mess of our rotation...
  7. Jsmith2211

    2019 all over again?

    Starting to get a little worried now. Spring seed might be short... Weather doesnt look great on the forcast - given how sh!t harvest was, could we be in for just as bad an autumn?
  8. Stephensonlouis

    AHL2 - Winter Bird Food

    Has anyone ever autumn established SFI AHL2 after a crop off winter wheat, grown fast seeding crops such as mustard and then gone into a spring barley late March early April? Probably a good reason why it isn’t being done!
  9. yellow belly

    SFI - Self Help and Tips

    Starting a thread with solutions to application please keep it to practical solution there are other threads for rants and complaints
  10. Flat 10

    Pyraflufen herbicide

    New from Sipcam available as blackbird amongst other names. BLW contact for autumn use in cereals. Active previously available on potatoes. Only aware of it due to ad in F guide. Anyone seen any trials or prices? Any spud growers or agronomists care to comment. Non label claim of activity...
  11. bobk

    Sowing 2023

    Aside from OSR , bet someone is planting wheat or barley , too wet here at the mo
  12. M

    Wheat pre em

    Morning Presumably most are still planning on planting wheat in the next month or so. With current prices and profitability what’s everyone’s thoughts on pre em choices and rates ? cheers
  13. bobk

    Heatwave coming ...

    Well , Indian summer , better than nowt Get ready for the drought thread from the Devonians
  14. Robert

    How Best To Manage Dirty 'No-till' Stubbles Post Harvest Pre Drilling /Also Breaking the BYDV Green Bridge?

    Thinking about our bean stubbles in particular which have a fairly weedy understory this year. Some of the weeds if left will set seed imminently (groundsel being our particular nemesis nowadays), but don't want to be too reliant on more than one pre-planting roundup. Also - thinking about...
  15. P

    Stubble chitting machine optiond

    We’re on soils that go hard and struggling to find a machine to chit them unless they are wet. We persevered with a vaderstad carrier for a few years but got rid of it in the end as it just wouldn’t penetrate hard soils. We then used a mounted disc/press machine with the idea the tractor linkage...
  16. A

    SAM2 Multi-species cover crop

    As far as I understand the rules for the above. I am entitled to spin some beans into my winter barley at drilling, leave them in until the spring, and claim for the £129/hectare. Has anyone clarified this with the higher powers by any chance? It seems like a no brainer
  17. farmer_martin

    NUM3 Vs AB6

    I have all but pressed the submit button on a CS mid tier application for 25% of the farm into AB6 - enhanced overwinter stubbles but now the revised SFI 2023 handbook 2.0 has thrown plans into question with the offer of rotational NUM3 (SFI version of AB15). If we can now annually rotate NUM3...
  18. Janet Hughes Defra

    Sustainable farming incentive - handbook for 2023 has been published

    Afternoon all, Today we've published a handbook containing all the detailed information about the sustainable farming incentive offer for this year. The handbook is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sfi-handbook-for-the-sfi-2023-offer An overview blogpost is here...
  19. APJ

    Harvest 2023

    Let’s start a harvest 23 thread! So how far do we all think we are from starting? Winter barley rapidly ripening here early start is on the cards. First week of july maybe, rape just starting to lose its greenness also!
  20. colhonk

    Harry`s Farm AB6

    Whats this AB6 he was on about, leaving stubble over winter and get £522 pounds a hec. Been trawling through dozens of gov. uk pages where they say a lot but typicaly tell you nothing. :rolleyes: :facepalm: