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  1. P

    25cm row width, Horsch Avatar

    I know this has been covered before, but now that more time has passed (since many converted to direct drills whether using conventionally, a mixture or DD), how are spring sown crops yielding at 25cm? How are the issues with brackling? In practice is there much difference between 16,7cm and...
  2. farmbrew

    Anybody planting wheat yet?

    I didn't get much planted last season, don't want to get it wrong again Mine is ready to go, thinking I'll go after the weekend,16th Sept at 100 kg. Choice is Dawsum, Skyscraper, Champion. Toying with the idea of blending and adding some Gleam in too. Kind-ish land, good seedbeds, 1st wheats???
  3. I

    Drilling winter barley into grass ley with Sumo DTS

    We are a mainly livestock mixed farm growing 30 acre of winter barley for stock feed. Establishment has always been plough power harrow based. Son who is keen on regen ways, wants to drill this year's barley with a Sumo DTS. I am happy to do this in theory, but wondered what the more...
  4. Rob Waterston

    Beans harvest update

    Cut our beans over the weekend, earliest harvest ever, 15% moisture. Trial area over the weighbridge 5.8 t/ha Field average 5.29t/ha Average bean yield over 59 Ha 5.44t/ha Yield map attached with the are marked out. Combine calibrated to the weighbridge.
  5. Rob Holmes

    Batwing toppers?

    Are they all much of a muchness or are some better than others? Anyone know where there is a decent, reasonably priced 6m one?
  6. Brisel

    Tine drill - wide & slow?

    I'm currently looking at tine drill options as our strip till system is making our blackgrass problems worse - to the point that blackgrass levels are dictating cropping & cultivation policy. What I need is a tine drill that can cope with brashy stone, and be capable of sowing into unmoved...
  7. CPM RSS

    On Farm Opinion: Thirty-year allegiance

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF For one Suffolk farm business, broadening its land base and the variety of crops it grows has placed greater demand on many input factors including its materials handling requirements. CPM learns how its choice of brand has stayed...
  8. CPM RSS

    Maize: Maximising maize

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Arable growers looking to diversify rotations through introducing maize can further bolster the crop’s income by taking advantage of SFI options. CPM weighs up the benefits for first timers. By Janine Adamson With the Sustainable...
  9. Topittom

    All purpose Drill

    Hi all. I’m farming up in North Yorkshire on some heavy going land. Plenty of muck goes on. Current system is Sumo Trio and then carrier if needed. Drill with vaderstad. I’m wanting to move into the more no till territory on some of the better fields first so I’m looking at a later model Horsch...
  10. cosmagedon

    Mzuri Spares

    Job lot of Mzuri spares I've found in the back of the workshop. Spare legs, coulters, wearing parts. There's more than what's in the photos, boxes of wearing parts I will dig out and photograph. £250
  11. Tompkins

    Rape after grass

    Got some permanent pasture that's pretty tired and I don't have much use for, I was planning on planting rape so as to avoid issues with leatherjackets/wirework, then following with wheat next year. The whole block needs liming and has just been silage, my question is would I be best trying to...
  12. L

    What is the most reliable establishment technique?

    I'm always finding the key to a good year being good establishment. This year has been hard with the weather and even with my old fashioned style of plough, cultivate, drill, the spring corn isn't great. More intensive one pass onto plough with a combi could have got timeliness better this year...
  13. BenAdamsAgri

    SFI 2024 link and details

    See below https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sustainable-farming-incentive-scheme-expanded-offer-for-2024
  14. Dman2

    Black grass

    So Finally succumbed to the dreaded black grass. Only 1 field fortunately and must have come in seed:mad: plan to work stubble to get it to chit, then spray off Am I right in thinking it just needs tickling on the top and not too deep to get it to chit?
  15. Honeybadger

    Mzuri pro till broadcaster pipe brackets

    As title suggests these hold broadcaster pipes on the mzuri protill they fix to the coulters and allow seeds or pellets to be broadcast full width or in line with the seeding band. Full set of 9 for 3m drill. £50. North Yorks
  16. Direct Driller Magazine

    Covering Soils - Scotland - Hosted by Neil White - 22nd May 2024

    A first event in Scotland. At our Farmer Focus writer Neil White's farm in Scotland. Register for tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/covering-soils-scotland-hosted-by-neil-white-tickets-888349095057 Date and time Wed, 22 May 2024 10:00 - 15:30 BST Location Greenknowe Farm Cottages, Duns...
  17. B

    Does maize ground need a shakerator/subsoiler first?

    This is the first year we are having a field of Maize on our farm to sell the standing crop. The only machine we don’t have is a shakerator (or similar) and I always see maize people shakerate the field before or after ploughing… is this necessary? The field is light and has been in an...
  18. Hfd Cattle

    Spring Barley

    Is it too late to plant now ..diablo variety , field very different in the fact one end is quite shallow and stoney , other half wet and heavy?
  19. Badshot

    SFI 24 no till payment

    Just wondering if there's any further information out yet as to what constitutes no till in the eyes of SFI? Is it a dts/mzuri/claydon direct into stubble? Or is it going to be lower disturbance tine or disc? Supposedly a claydon grain and fert meets the grant spec with the leading tine applying...
  20. Badshot

    alternatives to shakearator legs

    I've taken on a few fields and want to subsoil due to past management decisions. I don't do any currently except where I've made a mess with a 16000 L tanker, and using the shaky legs is just to disruptive to the surface and structure. I'd like a leg that is much gentler in it's approach...