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  1. C

    Advice on a topper

    Hi, I want to cut docks, thistles, nettles in horse pastures. I want to cut them high so I leave the grass long and uncut. any advice on equipment that can do this. So far, a Rhino 9 looks good as it cuts at 300 mm. I’m just looking for some other options or ideas. thank you charlie
  2. Renaultman

    More N or weed control

    With apologies to those struggling to get their first N on My wheat got 50gk N+S03 3 weeks ago next Tuesday. Walking round with the agronomist yesterday and we would like to get some BWS on to tackle some particularly nasty brome. The dilemna being, do I top the N up first or herbicide. My gut...
  3. jimmer

    Pure stand of chicory

    Tempted to try a pure stand of chicory rather than turnips or kale/rape treat it as a break crop and full reseed in autumn Dry field several access points Thoughts?
  4. Kevtherev

    Reduction in arable acreages

    Just a thought Straw shortages for the livestock industry Less cereals for feed Less acreages for the spraying contractors Less agronomy and chemicals Les’s fertiliser sales And so on Hearing big acreages of SFI
  5. B

    Herbal ley silage

    Beef finishing here, grass diet with barley and blend to balance. What is people’s opinions on adding herbs and legumes to 3-5 year cut and graze mixes. Could just go for NUM2, but obviously SAM3 is more money. We do 2 cuts first around 20th may which is clamped. 2nd is generally 7-8 weeks...
  6. sahara

    SFI Options and Grassweeds

    What are people's thoughts on how they will manage Blackgrass and or Rye Grass in options like Wild Bird Food or Legume fallows? I've been reading through the SFI handbook and have found some options that would be a good fit for us, but I'm nervous of planting something that becomes swamped by...
  7. Derrick Hughes

    Straight Seeds

    AstonCrusader Hybrid Ryegrass £2.49 kg Arman Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass £2.32 kg POLLANUM Westerwolds Ryegrass £2.21 kg AstonEnergy High Energy Perenial Ryegrass £2.98 kg Milvus Red Clover Seed £6.85 kg Liflex White Clover Seed £8.67 kg Red Clover 3 way mix Rozeta Red Clover...
  8. Kernowkid

    Intensive cell grazing cattle

    As the title suggest considering going down this route with the cattle. Mega simple system, no breeding stock, one stock class. 12 month old bought in 400kgish animals, groups of 40 grazed from March to November on good free draining ground. Fresh cell every day, grazing herbal lays, no corn...
  9. Laggard

    Small willow herb

    Think this is willow herb? Best herbicide to kill it pre spring barley drilling please?
  10. Mythoughts

    Food security is a silly argument…

    Perception and perspective are very different things. Generally individuals and old farmers see food security as an existential threat eg if we had a major war (see WW2) and we struggle to have enough food in the UK. Retailers and governments see food security along the lines of “are the supply...
  11. T

    wild oats or ryegrass in winter barley?

    Greetings All, Hoping to find sites for a herbicide trial, the difficulty is finding somewhere that hasn't sprayed already. Any help with this would be much appreciated! Alex
  12. D

    SFI from a dairy perspective

    Feel like i need to make a decision on what to do with this SFI. What are your plans? There are quite generous payments on offer. I have heard of several local farmers putting everything into SAM3, £360ish/Ha, buying some seed and throwing it around and thinking it's easy money. Even the...
  13. paul&mandy

    Sad looking farms

    As I finish off hedging for customers I found myself getting really depressed looking at all this cs and sfi sh!t. Once fields I mowed and baled in some fallow weeds. Fields I fert spread the arable on either fallow stubble or bird seed. The whole lot looks unloved. Then onto hedges. Got most...
  14. Corteva Technical

    Arable farmers need to rethink herbicide strategies following 2024’s wet start

    Arable farmers need to rethink herbicide strategies following 2024’s wet start With some fields still under water following widespread flooding in January, farmers will need a robust herbicide plan in place as they battle to catch up this spring. A wet autumn delayed drilling of many winter...
  15. T

    Herbal lay silage

    Looking at doing some herbal lay for silage. to replace grass silage. How many cuts of silage would I expect to get and what tonnage would I get and is it good to fatten cattle
  16. M

    Pre lambing ewe feeding requirements

    I’ve recently had my haylage analysed by feeding company that I get ewe rolls off. They have also put me together a feeding plan of what I should be feeding before lambing. I know what I would normally feed pre lambing and it’s considerably more. Was also told that the haylage isn’t a great feed...
  17. Agriland RSS

    Silage: The importance of red clover

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The importance of red clover in silage swards has been highlighted by AgriSearch general manager, Jason Rankin. “Grassland farmers are under pressure to reduce fertiliser costs, while still maintaining optimal levels of output from forage,” he said...
  18. D

    Stubble turnips

    What are people charging for grazing stubble turnips an acre this year ?
  19. L

    Building the perfect direct drill

    Come on you farm engineers if you were to build one from scratch what features would be an absolute must. Would you choose discs or more of a knife like coulter? How would you go about designing a drill which would cope with a mixture of cropping from Cereal,rotational grass ,into cover crops...
  20. Clive

    Annual conformation

    How does this work ? ie our sfi application is the parcels we intend to put into various options but with many being rotational and there being flexibility to increase without limit and reduce area by up to 50% am I correct in understanding that we will have to effectively do a...