long story short, me and my father used to milk dairycows, were lowland farm, east midlands, we stopped milking for various reasons but rather then sell the herd i retained our britishblueX & herefordX heifers and AI'd the dairycows with sexed stabiliser and salers semen in our last year to give us another batch of dairyX to get numbers up & create a heinz57 suckler herd
I purchased a polled saler bull, to keep his daughters as replacements and get a polled more uniformed herd.
we sell some stores online and finish the rest and sell through the ring.
I need another bull as 1 is working fairly hard at the minute
(worse jobs to have) , i want something native, as its my local i thought a lincolnred, but im guessing a LR x saler will be abit 'plain' though
my initial plan was to go british blue over the salers cows but the idea in my head of moving toward a native breed herd wont go away
anythoughts ,
I purchased a polled saler bull, to keep his daughters as replacements and get a polled more uniformed herd.
we sell some stores online and finish the rest and sell through the ring.
I need another bull as 1 is working fairly hard at the minute
my initial plan was to go british blue over the salers cows but the idea in my head of moving toward a native breed herd wont go away
anythoughts ,