I know there have been a few conversations on this topic several years ago, but none seemed to address my problem. Two cows calved and owing to various reasons, they weren’t taken to join the milking herd for three days. They were milked once a day with a little mobile milking unit, but their calves were left with them due to the various reasons the cows were living it up in the calving pens. Anyhow, cows joined the milking herd and the calves taken to the calf house and put in individual pens. They were taken from their mothers around lunch time, no attempt was made to feed them until the following morning, when they both took a full feed. At the evening feeding, they refused the milk, but I wasn’t too concerned. Following morning they took their full feed again, refused again that evening, following morning took a full feed, and ever since, they’ve refused to feed. They look out of the pens like the other calves, looking like they’re hungry, and I think even roared looking to be fed. I’ve since been stomach tubing them (four days) and they’re showing signs of weakening. I’ve checked their navels, they don’t have pneumonia, and just last night, I saw the first signs of scour. I tuned them with electrolytes and gave them Bimastat which always works a treat on scour cases with us. They have their own feeding buckets, they’ve not been shared, but there aren’t any other calves with scour anyway. I’ve tried syrup on the teat which they liked but just licked off, I’ve stood in the pen holding their mouthes on the test, hoping the penny would drop, but nothing. Yesterday the vet gave me a drug (can’t remember the name) specifically to work on the sucking part of the brain. Still no luck and as I said, I ended up stomach tubing the electrolytes into them. The only upside to this is, they’re bull calves. Callous I know, but the prices are very poor here at present and even these fellows do recover, they have a huge amount of ground to make up and at this point they’re costing money. What concerns me though, is if there’s some underlying issue which may affect heifer calves too. Can anybody advise?